Ligon Mill Road Underpass

Public Meeting
Completed: Mar 14, 2017
March 2017
NCDOT Funding
Completed: Feb 28, 2018
Feb 2018
Town Costhare Announced
Completed: Aug 31, 2018
Aug 2018
Right-of-Way Begins
April 2020
Construction Begins
November 2022

NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Project B-5318 is the replacement of Bridge No. 126 over Smith Creek on Ligon Mill Road (SR 2044). The bridge is located along Ligon Mill Road, between Burlington Mills Road and US-1A/South Mail Street.

The bridge is approaching the end of its useful life and is being replaced. The bridge will have a new alignment to the east.

Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction of the new bridge.

A greenway underpass will be built to accommodate for future Smith Creek Greenway Phase 2 and Smith Creek Greenway Phase 3 A multi-use path will be created to provide access from Ligon Mill Road to Smith Creek Greenway. The project is being designed and constructed through NCDOT with public and Town staff input.

Proposed Improvements

The following is the list of proposed improvements:

  • 200-foot long, 58-foot wide bridge (roadway width of 40 feet).

  • Three 12-foot lanes (one in each direction with a center turn lane).

  • Eight-foot Multi-use Path on both sides of the project to accommodate requirements of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan

  • The roadway elevation of the new bridge will be approximately six feet higher than the existing bridge to accommodate future Smith Creek Greenway underneath. 



$73,000 plus additional costshare TBD

Current Phase


Staff Contact

Steven Meyer
CIP Manager