Manual of Specifications, Standards & Design

Updates to The Town of Wake Forest UDO and MSSD

The Town of Wake Forest has began the comprehensive update of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and Manual of Specifications, Standards and Design (MSSD). This undertaking is expected to span over two years and is a collaborative effort managed by the Planning Department, with Engineering's input, and guided by hired firms, Houseal Lavigne and Toole Design.

The UDO and MSSD are the frameworks that guide the Town's development. The update is needed to align these documents with the evolving goals outlined in the Town's several comprehensive plans. In addition to reflecting the policies and recommendations of the comprehensive plans, the UDO and MSSD need to maintain compliance with state, federal and case law, which are constantly evolving.

The success of the update relies on active participation of the Town of Wake Forest's stakeholders. This includes, but is not limited to, residents, local businesses, municipal partners, community organizations, dedicated staff, and elected officials. Following community engagement and extensive technical review, the UDO and MSSD will be presented to the Planning Board for their recommendation. Ultimately, both documents will be presented to the Board of Commissioners for adoption.

We encourage all of Wake Forest's stakeholders to actively participate in this process by staying informed, attending community meetings, and sharing your valuable insights. Please click here for more details on the UDO/MSSD update, including timelines and milestones, FAQ's, and ways to get involved. Please click here to access Toole Design's analysis and preliminary recommendations of the existing MSSD.

During this time, the current UDO and MSSD will remain in effect until the updated versions are officially adopted.

Current and Effective MSSD

Table of Contents



Manual of Specifications, Standards & Design