Community Council
Comprised of area civic, service, social, fraternal, religious and business organizations, as well as interested individuals, the Wake Forest Community Council endeavors to:
To inform the community and volunteer organizations of the Wake Forest community as to the planned future activities and projects of such organizations.
To better the understanding of the community as to the resources, needs, future trends and historical significance of the Wake Forest Community.
To exchange ideas as to how the many varied civic, social, fraternal, service, educational, religious and business organizations and individuals can contribute to the improvement of life in the community.
To promote special community recognition of volunteer efforts through the promotion of annual awards.
To participate in community improvement projects in cooperation with the above organizations.
Mission Statement
The Wake Forest Community Council is dedicated to the communication of programs, events, and the needs of the community. Its mission is to better promote, improve and preserve the Wake Forest lifestyle.
Constitution & By-Laws
Current Officers
Elizabeth Johnson, Chair
Dawn Nakash, Vice Chair
Bill Harrison, Treasurer
Secretary – Open
Community Council officers are elected annually. Officers serve one-year terms and no more than two consecutive terms in the same office. After one year out of an office, an individual will once again be eligible for election to that office.
The Community Council is an autonomous body consisting of a representative of each cooperating community organization and of individuals dedicated to the improvement of life in the community. Effective upon payment of dues to the treasurer, membership is open to civic, social, fraternal, service, educational, religious and business organizations and individuals dedicated to the improvement of life in the community.
The Community Council meets at noon on the second Wednesday of each month (except in June, July, August and December) at The Forks Cafeteria, 339 Brooks St.
Volunteer Awards
The Community Council sponsors the following annual volunteer awards:
Nominations are presented in writing to the Council for selection of the winners at the November meeting. Voting is done by written secret ballot and award winners are announced at the Community Christmas Dinner - typically on the first Monday in December.