Load Control Credits

Load Management

For customers who agree to allow the Town of Wake Forest to control electric hot water heaters, air conditioner condensers and/or heat pump heat strips, the following credit to monthly bills shall apply:

Water Heater Control

A credit of $2 per month will be given for each month that control is available to the Town. The maximum allowable credit for water heater control during any 12-month period is $24.

Air Conditioner Partial (50% Cycled) Control

A credit of $5 per month will be given for bills rendered on or after the first of June, July, August, and September. The maximum allowable credit for partially controlled air conditioners during any 12-month period is $20.

Air Conditioner Full (100%) Control

A credit of $20 per month will be given for bills rendered on or after the first of June, July, August, and September. The maximum allowable credit for fully-controlled air conditioners during any 12-month period is $80.

Heat Pump Control – Emergency Heat Strips

A credit of $10 per month will be given for bills rendered on or after the first of January, February, March, and April. The maximum allowable credit for emergency heat control of heat pumps during any 12-month period is $40.


For customers who purchase energy efficient water heaters and/or energy efficient heat pumps the following rebates shall be applied to their utility bills:

Water Heater Rebate

A one-time rebate of $150 will be given to all customers who purchase a new water heater having at least a 30-gallon tank, well-insulated and heated with two 4,500 watt elements. A load management switch shall be installed on any water heater for which a rebate has been given.

Heat Pump Rebate

A one-time rebate of $300 will be given to all customers who purchase a new heat pump having a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) of 10.00 or greater and a residential rating of five tons or less. Any heat pump for which a rebate has been given shall have a load management switch installed to control emergency heat strips and a partial or full control load management control switch shall be installed to control air conditioning condensers.

Load Control Credits
Assistant Town Manager/CFO
Electric Systems Division Manager