Non-Collection Notice
This program is designed for sanitation customers to help follow established collection guidelines. Town and Republic Services crews may “tag” carts that violate trash, recycling, bulk waste, yard waste, and loose-leaf collection guidelines.
Residents may receive a “Non-Collection Notice” tag (shown right) for a variety of reasons, including these most common violations:
Trash and/or recycling carts that are overfull, too close to another cart, or blocked
Trash and/or recycling placed in the wrong cart or improper container
Trash and/or recycling carts that contain hazardous materials, soil, yard waste, concrete or brick
Recycling carts that contain plastic bags and/or other non-recyclable materials
Bulk trash that includes cardboard that needs to be broken down
Items that must be scheduled for bulk collection but have not been scheduled
Electronics or other materials set out that are not eligible for bulk pickup or curbside pickup
Yard waste that exceeds four cubic yards permitted per household
Yard waste that is not prepared properly (includes improper bag use for bagged yard waste)
Limbs, leaves, and trash that must be separated
Leaves containing soil, rocks, limbs, concrete or brick
Resident’s Guide to Garbage, Recycling & Yard Waste Pickup
Complete information about Town sanitation guidelines is available in the Resident’s Guide to Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste Pickup.
Waste Wizard
The Waste Wizard makes it easy for Wake Forest residents to know which disposable household materials can be recycled and which ones should be thrown away. The “Waste Wizard” is an interactive tool that allows users to type in key words related to disposable household materials and receive valuable disposal tips. From aluminum cans and phone books to popcorn bags and plastic bags, the search tool helps residents effectively sort their recyclables from their trash. The Waste Wizard also allows users to sign up for waste collection reminders and download collection schedules. As a bonus, the Waste Wizard is provided as a function on the Town of Wake Forest app.
Spot the Violation
The following photos highlight many of the challenges crews face when collecting trash, recycling, and yard waste. Click on the image to view a larger version.