Town Clerk
Evelyn Wright is the Wake Forest Town Clerk.
The Town Clerk is responsible for the following:
Giving notice of Board of Commissioners meetings and preparing the BOC meeting agenda;
Recording BOC proceedings and serving as custodian of all permanent Town records;
Keeping the Town Seal, attesting all Town documents, maintaining the Town Code; and
Providing support services to the BOC.
The staff in the Clerk's office includes the Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk Ella Dowtin.
Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Code of Ordinances
The Town provides access to the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Wake Forest as maintained by Municode, a private online service under contract with the Town of Wake Forest.
Public Records Requests
Requests for public records are handled through the Town Clerk’s office. Submit your request by completing our online form.
The Town of Wake Forest is committed to being open, transparent and accessible, also known as "Sunshine" in government.
To raise Wake Forest residents' awareness of their rights under Sunshine laws, the Town website provides information on how to access public records, stay informed about public meetings, request meeting agendas, and more.