Risk Management

A division of the Town Manager’s office, Risk Management assists all departments with identifying, analyzing and controlling risk throughout Town. Our focus is to help ensure the Town provides a safe environment for our employees and our citizens. Some of our responsibilities are outlined below. 

Workplace Safety

The Town is committed to providing a workplace free of recognized safety and health hazards.   Risk Management supports all Town employees in our continual effort to improve safety throughout town by conducting facility and jobsite safety inspections and assisting with incident investigations.   We strive to comply with local, state and federal safety and health regulations in order to protect our employees, citizens, and physical assets helping enhance the quality of life and service for our citizens.

Safety Training

Administering effective safety training programs is critical to our employee’s safety and health.  Risk Management develops, conducts and maintains records of  various training programs including in-person trainings and web-based training programs through our Learning Management Systems. 


Risk Management secures insurance coverage for various loss exposures to reduce the financial impact to the Town when an incident occurs. Contact the Safety and Risk Manager for certificates of insurance verifying the Town’s various lines of coverage.

  • Workers Compensation 

  • General Liability

  • Property, automobile and mobile equipment

  • Cyber Liability

In addition, we work with various departments to recover losses when public property is damaged. We also review contracts for insurance and indemnification provisions and consult with Town departments to enhance our services at the lowest achievable risk possible.

Claims Investigations & Reporting 

If you have been involved in an accident involving Town property and/or wish to file a claim against the Town, it is necessary to submit a written claim.  Email [email protected] with a detailed description of the incident, including your first and last name, full address, phone number, email address, exact date, time and location of the incident, witness contact information, pictures, police reports, any property damage, injuries, etc.


Risk Management
Safety & Risk Manager
Safety Coordinator