2010, Renovations at Station 1 completed. New commercial kitchen installed. Old training room is divided allowing for 3 offices to be built. One full bay is enclosed adding a museum and new training room.
2010, After several mechanical problems with Ladder 1, the department sold the mid-mount and purchased a 100' rear mount platform ladder truck built by Pierce.
2010, WFFD ran a total of 2,416 emergency calls for the year.
2011, New Ladder 1 is delivered to Station #1 and put in service. This piece is a 2011 100' rear-mount aerial platform built by Pierce. A "wet-down" ceremony is held at Station #1.
2011, After 3 years as Fire Chief, Freddy Lynn resigns and Deputy Chief Ron Early is promoted to the Rank of Fire Chief.
2011, A proclamation is signed for the merger of the Falls Fire Department and Wake Forest Fire Department. Merger is not completed for several months but the two organizations begin combining personnel and policies.
2011, To honor the 10 year anniversary of the attacks of 9-11-01, the Wake Forest Fire Department holds the third annual "Tunnel to Towers Run" in memory of FDNY firefighter Stephen Siller who perished on 9-11-01. 343 sets of boots were collected (343 in honor of the 343 FDNY firefighters killed on 9-11-01) and set at the finish line of the run. Each pair of boots had the name of a firefighter that was killed on 9/11.
2011, WFFD ran a total of 2,579 emergency calls for the year
2012, Delivery of new engine to Station #3. The new Engine #3 is a 2012 Pierce Saber. This is the first side mount pump that WFFD has ordered since switching to custom cab trucks. Former Engine #3 becomes Engine #4. Former Engine #4, a 1989 FMC, is taken out of service. A "wet-down" ceremony is held at Station #3.
2012, March 25 Falls Fire Department and Wake Forest Fire Department officially merge. The Falls fire station becomes WFFD Station #5 and the equipment assigned to it is: Engine #5, Tanker #5, Squad #5, Fire Boat #5, Utility #5 and Car #6. Station #5 is staffed with part-time employees on weekdays from 7am-5pm and then fully staffed by volunteers during night shifts and weekends.
2012, Confined Space trailer completed in Holbrook Village Training Center at Station #1. The trailer consists of three levels with various confined space obstacles including: diminishing clearances, collapsible floor, entanglement props, wall breach, and attic rafters.
2012, WFFD ran a total of 2,566 emergency calls for the year.
2013, The official Wake Forest Fire Department Flag is designed.
2013, Wake Forest Fire Department voted "Best of the Best" Community Organization by The Wake Weekly.
2013, November - New 2000 gallon elliptical tanker is delivered and put in service at Station #2. Tanker #2 is part of the Northern Wake County Tanker Strike Team.
2013, WFFD ran a total of 2,592 emergency calls in 2013
2014, Station #4 officially approved by the Town of Wake Forest, location of Station to be at 1505 Jenkins Rd
2014, For the second year in a row, WFFD is voted "Best of the Best" Community Organization by the Wake Weekly.
2014, Deputy Chief Clifton Keith is recognized for his 50 years of service to the Wake Forest Fire Department at the annual Awards Ceremony.
2014, November 3- Recruit Class 0414 hired and begins academy. 12 recruits begin academy.
2014, 24th of November- Groundbreaking Ceremony for Station #4 held.
2014, WFFD ran a total of 2,950 emergency calls in 2014.
2015, A second ladder truck is purchased to replace Rescue #3 at Station #3. This ladder is used as a reserve ladder. It is a used 1990 E-One Protector. It has a 1500 GPM pump, 300 gallons of water, and a 75' stick.
2015, With the completion of Station #4 upcoming, the need of an additional reserve engine is met with the purchase of a used engine from the City of Raleigh. The engine is a 1995 Pierce Dash with a 1250 GPM pump and 500 gallons of water. It has no designation other than "Reserve Engine."
2015, March 26- The historical Cullom House at 427 N. Main Street catches fire and burns to the ground. The 124 year old house was under renovations at the time of the fire. Crews received the call and were on scene within 4 minutes to find the house completely engulfed in flames. The house was built in 1891 and suffered a small fire in the 1970's.
2015, June 26- Recruit Class 0414 Graduates with 10 new firefighters. The graduates are: Aaron Hale, Chad Paige, Taylor Cornelius, William Windsor, Lee Blackwell, Scott Gregory, Edward Eason, Justin Mitchell, Mary Beth King, and Chris Kearney. FF Mary Beth King is the first full-time female firefighter for the Wake Forest Fire Department.
2015, July 1- Engine #4 placed into service at 0700. Station #4 located at 1505 Jenkins Road, currently under construction. Engine #4 crew responds from Station #4 district during the hours of 07:30-20:00 and then return to Station #1 for the remainder of the shift. Wake Union Baptist Church opens their Fellowship Building for Engine #4 crew to use as a temporary fire station.
2015, WFFD ran a total of 3,196 emergency calls in 2015. Breakdown per unit is as follows:
Engine #1 - 1,403
Engine #2 - 818
Engine #3 - 428
Engine #4 - 302 (Went into service on July 1, 2015)
Engine #5 - 401
Ladder #1 - 833
2016, January 22- Station #4 located at 1505 Jenkins Rd officially opens.
2016, February 14- WFFD takes delivery of the new Engine #4. Engine #4 is a 2015 Rosenbauer Commander, the first Rosenbauer fire engine for WFFD.
2016, April 3- Open House and Dedication of new Engine #4 held at Fire Station #4 on Jenkins Rd. Official "uncoupling" ceremony for station and "wet-down" of new engine takes place.
2016, Captain Edward Barrett is promoted to the rank of Battalion Chief and is assigned to A-Shift. Chief Barrett becomes the first paid Battalion Chief in WFFD History. The new Battalion Chief positions will be filled over the next three years for all three shifts. The Battalion Chiefs will serve as operational chiefs for each shift.
2016, WFFD ran a total of 3,075 emergency calls in 2016. Breakdown per unit is as follows:
Engine #1 - 1,381
Engine #2 - 884
Engine #3 - 634
Engine #4 - 759
Engine #5 - 493
Ladder #1 - 1,004
2017, February 10th - Captain Matthew Strawbridge is promoted to Battalion Chief and assigned to C-Shift. Chief Strawbridge is the second paid Battalion Chief in WFFD History.
2017, October- WFFD officially launches its UAS (Unmanned Aerial System" "Drone Program". The Drone is piloted by Steve Rhode and is used for various incidents including fires, searches for missing persons, wildfires, and hazardous materials calls. "Firebird 1" is equipped with a thermal camera to help locate missing persons and a zoom visual camera.WFFD is a leader in the United States with the use of drones in the fire service.
2017, The Wake Forest Fire Department responded to 3,787 emergency calls in 2017. The breakdown per unit is as follows:
Engine #1- 1,367
Engine #2- 852
Engine #3- 720
Engine #4- 749
Engine #5- 510
adder #1- 1,054
2018, February- Captain Jeremey Blake is promoted to Battalion Chief and assigned to B-Shift. Chief Blake is the third paid Battalion Chief in WFFD history and completes the three year process of assigning a Battalion Chief to each of the three shifts.
2018, May 10th. WFFD takes delivery of a 2018 Rosenbauer Tanker. Tanker #4, is the first custom cab Tanker in Wake County. It holds 2000 gallons of water.
2018, September 14th. For the first time ever, the WFFD Emergency Preparedness Team set up an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for the Town of Wake Forest for the approaching Hurricane Florence. The EOC consisted of WFFD personnel, Town of Wake Forest Public Utilities Dept, WFPD, and Town of WF representatives and lasted for 48 hours. The EOC monitored emergency calls in the WF area and consolidated resources to allow for WF Power and WFFD personnel to respond together to handle power related issues. This was a major success for emergency management in the Town of Wake Forest.
2018, September 27th. Captain Reginald Rogers becomes the first career member to retire from the Wake Forest Fire Department. Captain Rogers served 21 years with the WFFD and was the first full-time African-American employee. Throughout his career he served on Engine #1, Engine #2, and retired from Engine #3.
2018, November- Official letter received from Wake Forest Fire Department Board of Directors requesting the Town initiate a study on the feasibility of integrating the Wake Forest Fire Department into the Town’s administration.
2018, WFFD ran a total of 3,996 emergency calls in 2018. Breakdown per unit is as follows:
Engine #1 - 1,420
Engine #2 - 857
Engine #3 - 756
Engine #4 - 760
Engine #5 - 544
Ladder #1 - 1,218
2019, August 28th. WFFD takes delivery of the very first Tractor Drawn Aerial (tiller) in department history. "Ladder #4" is 2007 Spartan Crimson with a 103' ladder. It was purchased used and was formerly Boise (ID) Ladder 5. This apparatus is used for training staff and will be placed into service upon completion of Academy 0919.

2019, October 1st. Formal decisions by both Boards to integrate the Wake Forest Fire Department into the Town of Wake Forest's administration. Official date of transition approved for July 1, 2020.
2019, October- Renovations begin at Station #2 in order to accommodate two fully staffed companies. Renovations expected to be completed by the Spring of 2020.
2019- WFFD ran a total of 4,105 emergency calls in 2019.