Food Vendors
Food and dessert vendors interested in serving at events presented by the Town of Wake Forest and Wake Forest Downtown, Inc., Main Street America Partner, are asked to submit a vendor information form.
By completing this form, you are adding pertinent information to our database of food vendors, which is used by various staff members from Downtown Development, Organizational Performance, The Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department, Wake Forest Police Department, and more.
Please note: The completion and submission of this form does not guarantee your participation in any event, but rather allows staff to gauge your interest in particular events and contact you with application and event information as applicable.
Vending Opportunities
Boo Bash
Concerts in the Park
Employee Appreciation Food Truck Luncheons
July 3 Fireworks Spectacular
Forest Fest
Friday Night on White
Family Movie Nights at Joyner Park
Lighting of Wake Forest
Touch-A-Truck Event
Vending Permit for the Parks
Wake Forest Cares Holiday Kick-Off
Important Information to Know
Priority is typically given to vendors based in the Wake Forest area and those with silent generators.
It is our goal to offer a variety of cuisine options at each event.
Participating vendors are required to have all necessary permits to serve in Wake County.
Each Mobile Food Unit asked to participate at an event must provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance showing the Town of Wake Forest as an additional insured for the event date(s). A minimum of $1 million in general liability insurance is required along with a minimum of $1 million in automobile liability insurance.
There typically is a vendor fee associated with participation at events.
Direct Food Vendor Contact Information
Camryn Gutierrez – Downtown Development Specialist, Downtown Development Department (Downtown Events)
Suja Jacob – Recreation Specialist, The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department (Vending in Parks, PRCR specific event related inquires)