1971, Town board agrees to replace 20-phone alarm system with 36-phone system and enters cost-sharing agreement with rural fire department.
1972, apparatus delivery: 1973 Bean pumper equipped with high-pressure fog, purchased by Southeastern Seminary and given to Town . It is named Engine 63 (February 1972)
1973, Stewarts Cafe, Linda's Hair Stylin' Shop, and the Masonic Lodge Hall in downtown Youngsville burn. Fire department assists Youngsville and Forestville at 8:55 p.m. fire. (May 1973)
1973, Town fire department moves into leased service station on 300 block of South White St., next to rural fire station. Building is renovated by firefighters who clear inside of building and install four new bay doors. (April 1973) ww

1974, Amtrak train detrains on curve behind Athey Products plant at about 8 p.m., minutes after passing through Wake Forest Eight cars of the Silver Star, traveling from New York to Miami, jump the track, injuring 28 of 270 passengers. Rescue squads respond from Wake Forest, Youngsville, Franklinton, Bunn, Zebulon, Louisburg, Cary, New Hope, as well as ambulances from Raleigh and Wake Forest. Only one of the injured passengers is hospitalized. The cause of the derailment is not immediately known. (August 1974)
1975, freight train caboose catches fire. Seaboard Coast Line train stops behind Howard Mangum's house on US1A. Fire spreads to adjoining freight car. (November 1, 1975)

1977, fire department purchases 25 pagers. Each Motorola unit, including pager, charger, and amplifier, costs $285.00. Firefighters use money from fundraising projects to purchase pagers. Wake County matching grant program provides 35 percent of the funds. Firefighters are currently alerted using special phone system in which a single phone call made at police station reaches 36 firefighters simultaneously. (November 1977)
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1978, duplex on Nelson Street burns. Handicapped resident rescued by firefighters. (December 3, 1978)
1978, fire alarm siren discontinued.
1979, Sanctuary of Oak Grove Baptist church just north of Franklin County line burns. Eleven rural fire departments and 125-150 firemen on scene.1979 apparatus delivery: FMC / Bean pumper, 1000 GPM, 750 gallons delivered to Rural department. Replaces 1964 pumper. It is named Engine 61 (February 12, 1979)
1979, Bruce Keith appointed acting Fire Chief of Rural department when Chief Jerry Carter steps down. (November 18, 1979)