
The Need
Nearly 2,000 Wake Forest Power residential utility accounts are overdue each month. While late payments are a chronic problem for a few customers, most overdue accounts belong to residents in need of one-time assistance. Although most bills get paid eventually, significant delays and service disconnections often occur resulting in the loss of time and resources for the Town.
How H.O.P.E. Works
Helping Others by Providing Electricity (H.O.P.E.) is administered through a partnership between the Town of Wake Forest and ChurchNet, a local non-profit organization assisting people in need.
The Town accepts both one-time and regular donations from residential and commercial utility customers and directs all the proceeds to ChurchNet. ChurchNet determines who qualifies for assistance and how much help they receive. Then, 100% of the donated funds are used to pay Town of Wake Forest utility bills.
To find out if you are eligible for assistance, contact ChurchNet at 919-569-0020.
Ways to Give H.O.P.E.
Round-Up your bill to the next dollar
Complete and submit our online sign up form by clicking the "Round Up" option. By choosing this donation method, for example, a bill of $73.46 would become $74.00. Individually, this is pretty small change. On the average, participants will contribute around six dollars annually to the program.Make a monthly contribution
Complete and submit our online sign up form indicating the amount of your desired monthly contribution. For your convenience, we are happy to set up a recurring donation of as little as $1 a month or $3, $5, $10 or whatever dollar amount you choose to be included on your monthly bill.Make a one-time contribution via PayPal
You can make a one-time donation via our online sign up form. You may also include your donation as a separate check with your next utility payment or mail it separately to:
Town of Wake Forest
c/o H.O.P.E
301 S. Brooks Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Lowering Your Taxes
Town of Wake Forest utility customers who itemize deductions for their state and federal income taxes, may deduct H.O.P.E. donations. Simply keep your utility bill statements to document donations or call us after the end of the calendar year. We will mail you a statement totaling your donations for the calendar year. On your tax returns, list the Town of Wake Forest as the recipient of the donation.
Wake Forest Cares
HOPE is a Wake Forest Cares initiative.