Severe Weather
Stay Informed
This page provides information on the operations of the Town of Wake Forest and related organizations during severe weather events. Important contact numbers and links to supplemental information are also offered.
Announcements about town services during severe weather events are made on our Severe Weather Updates page, in town news releases, on Facebook, and Nextdoor.
On special occasions the Town of Wake Forest also utilizes BlackBoard Connect - a high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas of the Town in case of an emergency situation requires your attention. Residents are able to input an unlisted number, cell phone number, or other secondary phone number into the system for contact during an emergency situation. To enter your number into the system, please visit the BlackBoard Connect web page.
Ready Wake!
Wake County has developed a program called Ready Wake to help you and your family prepare for disasters before they happen.
Carbon Monoxide
Provide adequate ventilation for heat sources using fossil fuels. Never use grills inside home or garage.