Public Art Vision Plan
A planning task group of the Wake Forest Public Art Commission began work on a new art vision plan in May 2022, building on the first vision plan and the experience of the Commission as it conducted its work between 2009 and 2022. The task group members gathered qualitative information about the Commission’s performance, vision and direction from conducting a series of interviews with Town staff and community leaders. The task group prepared a survey of residents to provide quantitative information about public art awareness, acceptance, and preferences which will be conducted at least every three years.
The group reviewed as context the relevant parts of the UDO, the Wake Forest Community Plan, and Wake Forest Strategic Plan as well as the Public Art Ordinance (Chapter 25). The time frame established for the 2023 Wake Forest Public Art Vision Plan is at least five years. The new plan includes mission, vision and values statements for the Public Art Commission and a summary of Commission duties and responsibilities. On Jan. 26, 2023, the Public Art Commission established goals with strategies. The Public Art Commission will pursue these goals and strategies in collaboration with Town departments and Wake Forest organizations and residents while responding to changing opportunities through 2028 and beyond.