
Wake Forest Police Department Logo

CALEAAn internationally accredited agency through the

Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc. (CALEA),

the Wake Forest Police Department is comprised of 121 employees (98 sworn, 23 non-sworn).

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Wake Forest Police Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety while working with the community to improve their quality of life.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the Wake Forest Police Department is to enforce the law with courage, honor, and integrity.

Core Values

  • Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty

  • Honor: good reputation; good quality or character as judged by other people; high moral standards of behavior

  • Integrity: the quality of being honest and fair; the state of being complete or whole

Department Goal

The goal of the Wake Forest Police Department is to reduce crime and make the community a safer place to live and work.

How will the police department accomplish this goal?


  • Hiring and retaining employees who are enthusiastic, motivated, and pro-active

  • Providing the best training, equipment, and technology for all employees

  • Performing duties, tasks, and assignments focusing on crime reduction and specific criminal elements

  • Partnering with the community to assist in holding accountable those who commit crimes

  • Promoting programs that foster community involvement


Contact Us

  • Main Station
    225 S. Taylor St., Wake Forest, NC 27587
    Please Note: Only the dedicated (red) phone in the front lobby is currently available to the public due to COVID-19 pandemic

  • Fax

  • Records

  • Criminal Investigation Division & Tip Line

Job Information

Social Media

  • Facebook: Wake Forest Police Department (@WakeForestPoliceDepartment) 

  • Instagram: Wake Forest Police Department (@wakeforestpolice)

  • Twitter: Wake Forest Police (@WakeForestPD)


Police Headquarters
745 Merritt Capital Dr., Suite 113
Wake Forest NC, 27587