Wake Forest Cares

Wake Forest is a community that cares. As consistently as sunrise, our citizens contribute their time, talents and resources to help neighbors in need or support worthwhile causes that make a lasting difference.
In recognition of this wonderful legacy, the Town of Wake Forest launched “Wake Forest Cares.” All Town programs and events designed to help a neighbor or address a community need are now highlighted as a “Wake Forest Cares” initiative. A few examples include the Wake Forest Police Department's Turkey Drive and Shop with A Cop, along with the Town's Adopt-A-Stream and Adopt-A-Trail programs and Wake Forest Power's H.O.P.E. – just to name a few.
So look for the Wake Forest Cares logo. When you see it, you’ll know you have an opportunity to make a difference in the life of our community.
2025 Wake Forest Cares Holiday Donation Drive
An equally important part of Wake Forest Cares is our annual donation drive to raise funds for Town-sponsored initiatives making a difference in our community.
Each year's Wake Forest Cares Holiday Donation Drive begins with our Holiday Kickoff - this year on Saturday, Nov. 15. As part of this effort, we are inviting the community to support one or more of the following programs:
These initiatives are working to address specific needs in our community – whether it be hunger, home lighting and heating, tutoring, mentoring, safe spaces, and/or providing joy and hope during the holiday season and beyond.
The Wake Forest Cares Holiday Donation Drive is an opportunity to demonstrate our support for these important efforts. We will accept donations through December 31, 2025.
Tax ID
The Town of Wake Forest is a public governmental body that is tax exempt under Section 501(c) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code (Tax ID 56-6001360). Current income tax regulations allow contributions to local units of government, such as the Town of Wake Forest, to be treated as tax deductible gifts.
Please Help Support These Efforts
Helping Others by Providing Electricity or H.O.P.E. is an initiative offered by the Town of Wake Forest designed to help financially disadvantaged electric customers pay their utility bills. The program is funded by the generous donations of WFP customers and administered through a partnership between the Town and ChurchNet, a local non-profit organization assisting area people in need.
The Town directs 100% of the proceeds to ChurchNet which then determines which of the Town’s electric customers qualify for assistance and how much financial aid they will receive. Again, every dollar donated to H.O.P.E. is used to help pay WFP bills.
Northern Community Food Security Team
The Wake Forest Board of Commissioners endorsed Wake County’s Comprehensive Food Security Plan in 2018 making Wake Forest the first local municipality to join our area’s local food council, the Capital Area Food Network (CAFN). The plan is designed to move the county towards addressing hunger now and in the future. The NCFST was created to develop and launch a viable food security plan for northern Wake County that aligns with the CAFN plan. The Wake Forest Board of Commissioners charged NCFST with enlisting community members, food security organizations, resource experts, and other stakeholders to develop activities, policies, and partnerships that will move the county towards food security and a sustainable food future.
Shop with a Cop
Shop with a Cop was created to help less fortunate boys and girls in the Wake Forest area experience a joyous Christmas. Since its inception in 1998, the program has helped well over 500 local children.
Your donation allows the Wake Forest Police Department to take approximately 30-35 kids on a holiday shopping spree. On the day of the shopping spree, the children visit the police department where they are paired with a police officer "partner." The kids and their partners are then transported by bus to the Wake Forest Walmart, where each child is given $175 to spend on a winter coat and other items of their choice. Following the shopping spree, the children and their partners are treated to a pizza party.
The Wake Forest Police Department raises money for Shop with a Cop through grants and donations from area citizens, churches, civic groups, and merchants.
Wake Forest Firefighters Foundation
Formed in 2020 following the merger of the WFFD and the Town of Wake Forest, the Wake Forest Firefighters Foundation endeavors to support the needs of WFFD firefighters and their families while also contributing to the community.
Local programs/initiatives supported by the foundation include Camp Celebrate which hosts and celebrates pediatric burn victim survivors and their families. The camp is organized by the NC Jaycee Burn Center; Annual cookout for children at the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford, NC; Annual "Shop with a Firefighter" event at Christmas for less fortunate children; Hosting a child to attend camp at the YMCA; On-scene support and rehab by the Ladies Auxiliary; and Providing funds to members facing financial hardships.
Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Scholarship Program
The PRCR Department's Scholarship Program allows Wake Forest residents to register their children at 25% of the cost of the program or activity.
Check Donations Accepted
If you prefer this method of donating, please make your check payable to Town of Wake Forest and include Wake Forest Cares in the memo line. Pease mail it to: Town of Wake Forest, 301 S. Brooks St., Wake Forest, NC 27587.
PLEASE NOTE: 100% of all donations will be directed to your designated organization(s)/initiative(s). In addition, you may donate to more than one cause. If you choose to contribute to more than one organization/initiative, your contribution will be distributed evenly unless otherwise instructed. So, for example, a $50 donation to two causes would result in each receiving $25.
Submit Your Photos
Each person, business, church and community organization that contributes to our Wake Forest Cares Holiday Donation Drive will receive a Wake Forest Cares certificate. We encourage everyone who donates to take a photo of themselves holding their certificate and share it with us through our online submission form. Through the end of 2024, we will post all the pictures we receive on our Facebook page and in our online photo gallery.
2024 Wake Forest Cares Holiday Donation Drive Recap
In 2020 the Town of Wake Forest launched “Wake Forest Cares” to highlight Town-sponsored initiatives that address a community need and introduced the Wake Forest Cares Holiday Donation Drive.
Each year, throughout November and December, the Wake Forest Cares Holiday Donation Drive invites area residents and businesses to contribute to Helping Others by Providing Electricity (HOPE), Northern Community Food Security Team, Shop with a Cop, Wake Forest Firefighters Foundation, and the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Scholarship Program.
The Town of Wake Forest is pleased to announce that this year’s donation drive raised over $7,000. One hundred percent of the donated funds will be distributed among our initiatives as follows (based on contributor designations)
Helping Others by Providing Electricity (HOPE) - $395
Northern Community Food Security Team - $443
Shop with a Cop - $5,037
Wake Forest Firefighters Foundation - $1,227
Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Scholarship Program - $396
The Town of Wake Forest wishes to thank everyone who contributed to the 2024 Wake Forest Cares Holiday Donation Drive. Thank you for making a difference!