Start or Stop Service

Our friendly Customer Service Representatives are ready to help!
Welcome! New to Wake Forest Power? Speed up and simplify the application process right here online. Requests for new service can be made up to 10 days in advance. You can also visit us at the Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St.
Stop/Disconnect Service
You may disconnect your services online. Normally, your electric service will be disconnected one working day after you contact us. Disconnect requests can be made up to one month in advance. Once your service is disconnected, we will apply any deposit to your final bill and refund any credit balance. The Customer Contact Representative will need a forwarding address for your final bill and/or refund.
Transfer Service
Moving to a new place in our service area? If your account is in good standing and no money is due, you may transfer services online. Or if you like, take care of transferring service in person at our office. Normally your service will be transferred in one working day. Transfer requests can be made up to two weeks in advance. If you are a student and the account is in your parents’ name, you'll need to come in to one of our local offices to transfer services. You'll also need to come in if you have a co-signer.
Depend on Life Support Equipment In Your Home?
Wake Forest Power identifies customers who use life support equipment at their residences. These customers are provided special consideration in the event of power outages or during routine maintenance of electric service lines. For more information or to be considered a priority customer, please let us know when applying for service or contact us at 919-435-9478.
Apply In Person
You may also apply for services in person. You will need to provide us with the following:
A deposit
Address where services are to be connected
Date for services to be connected
Driver’s License or state issued ID number
Complete Social Security number
Telephone number
Mailing address
Copy of lease, if renting
Should I Be At Home When Services Are Connected?
You must be home when your natural gas service is connected. For your safety and protection of personal property, we also encourage you to be home when your electric and water services are connected. Make sure all heat producing appliances (stoves, ovens, toasters, space heaters, clothes dryers, hair dryers, etc.) are off or unplugged before your electricity is turned on.