S-Line Project

S-Line Overview

The S-Line is a freight rail line, and former passenger rail line, owned by CSX, that connects Richmond, Virginia to Tampa, Florida.

NC and Virginia are purchasing a portion of the S-Line rail right-of-way from Raleigh, NC to Petersburg, VA, in an effort to refurbish the corridor for new passenger rail service and eventual high-speed and commuter rail service. Completion of this project will directly link Wake Forest to the nation’s overall passenger rail network.

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NCDOT Initiatives

NCDOT's Integrated Mobility Division is leading several transit-oriented development planning initiatives for seven communities, including Wake Forest, on a 95-mile-long section of the S-Line rail corridor.

The goal for the corridor is to better connect rural and urban communities, improve and expand freight and passenger services, and significantly reduce rail travel times between Raleigh and Washington D.C.

An overview of NCDOT initiatives undertaken to complete the S-Line Project is provided below. 

Transit Oriented Development

Transit oriented development (TOD) creates compact, mixed-use communities near transit where people enjoy easy access to homes, jobs and services.

TOD is centered around a centralized mobility hub, that offer connections to multiple modes of transportation. TOD typically includes a mix of housing, office space, retail, civic spaces, and neighborhood amenities within walking distance of a mobility hub.

TOD offers a broad range of health, environmental and economic benefits. It allows for more transportation choices, reduces the need for driving, and preserves rural/natural areas by supporting more compact, walkable communities.

It is the intent of NCDOT to spur future TOD development along the S-Line’s future mobility hub locations.

View NCDOT's S-Line TOD Study

Mobility Hub Planning

NCDOT is studying options for mobility hubs in several communities as part of the S-Line Project, including Wake Forest. The goal is to identify potential locations for a mobility hub in Wake Forest, and to understand the types of mobility hub services and amenities that would best serve Wake Forest.

A mobility hub is a place of connectivity where different travel options come together, offering an integrated suite of mobility services, amenities, and supporting technologies – accessible space to connect multiple transportation mode options to an individual’s origin of destination.

Typically, mobility hubs are designed around transit services, such as bus service or passenger rail. Example options within a hub could include:

  • rail platforms

  • bicycle and scooter rental

  • bus stop and shelter

  • electric vehicle charging

  • a mini park or plaza waiting area

  • ride hail services (such as Via, Uber, or Lyft)

  • and many other potential features!

Downtown Wake Forest was selected as the preferred site for a future S-Line mobility hub, which includes an Amtrak rail station. The mobility hub planning phase is scheduled through December 2025.

To learn more about the mobility hub planning process, please visit NCDOT’s S-Line Mobility Hubs web page.


Wake Forest Mobility Hub survey summary coming soon!

As part of the S-Line Project, the NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is studying design options for mobility hubs in several communities, including Wake Forest.

From late June through early September, community members were given the opportunity to share their thoughts about the Wake Forest Mobility Hub facilities, amenities, technologies, and services by taking a short survey.

The survey is now closed but a survey summary will be available in the coming days.