
The Adopt-A-Stream Program allows volunteers to monitor their neighborhood streams and determine the stream's health. 

Adopt-A-Stream volunteers are environmental stewards who play a vital role in keeping Wake Forest's streams healthy. By taking a proactive role, you can help identify problems and repair streams in Wake Forest.



To adopt a stream, your group agrees to perform one of the following tasks on a section of the stream for a period of one year.

Option A: Water Quality Monitoring

Just like diagnosing a person or pet that is sick, we take all the symptoms of a stream together to determine its health. By observing the color of the stream we can tell the type of pollutant that might be in the water. Observing fish behavior (or absence of fish) also gives us clues to water quality.

As a water quality monitor, your group will make observations and record what you see in your stream section for a period of one year. You will work from a field data sheet and make monthly observations of algae, insect life, condition of stream bank, appearance of water, odors and stream flow. You will also collect data using monitoring kits. 

Your group will be provided with all the equipment you need including nets, kits and safety vests.

Each time you collect data, you will submit your findings to the town’s Public Works Department so our staff can quickly address any problems. 

Option B: Stream Clean-Up

Your group agrees to organize at least two stream clean-ups in the adopted stream section. After each litter collection, you will submit a form to briefly describe the types of trash your group collected such as tires, bottles, paper, etc.

Your group may want to schedule the clean-ups to coincide with Earth Day and North Carolina’s Big Sweep. 

Safety vests, bags and gloves will be provided. 

Option C: Stream Repair, Planting, or Drain Labeling

Depending on your interest and abilities, you can choose to help with stream restoration work. Volunteer help is needed planting native trees and shrubs along the stream bank to create a healthy buffer zone. Help is also needed spray painting a stenciled message on all storm drains. The message reminds citizens that what goes into the storm drain ends up in the stream. 


Available Stream Segments

Stream Map

