Energy Theft

Energy theft is the illegal practice of manipulating or bypassing electric meters to avoid paying for some or all of the service used.

Report energy theft anonymously

Energy theft is dangerous

Electric service wires to homes and businesses deliver enough current to kill. Using metal objects and tools near the electric current in these lines can have devastating and deadly results.

Energy theft is costly

As with any business, theft losses are considered an operating expense or "part of the cost of doing business." As a result, honest customers end up footing the bill. With honest customers and employees working together, we can minimize the impact of energy theft.

Energy theft is illegal

Across the United States, energy theft is a $6 billion-a-year problem. Not only is it dangerous and costly, however, it's also illegal.

When you see potential energy theft, you can help stop it by notifying Wake Forest Power at 919-435-9570. Your identity will remain anonymous and the information you provide will be treated confidentially.

Energy Theft
Electric Systems Division Manager