Area Lighting Service


This schedule is available for service supplied in the lighting of outdoor areas by means of LED lighting units. Lighting units will be by bracket mounted on Town-owned poles. This schedule is not available for the lighting of streets or highways.


Prior to installing area lighting facilities, Customer and the Town must enter into an agreement for Area Lighting Service.  Contact Chris Terrell with Wake Forest Power to complete the agreement. The service supplied by the Town will include the installation and operation, according to Town standards and requirements, of the area lighting units and will include the furnishing of electricity required for the illumination of the lamps from dusk to dawn. After Customer has notified the Town that a lamp is not burning, the Town will perform as soon as practicable, during regular business hours, the necessary maintenance to restore illumination. The rating of the lighting units listed under the Monthly Rate indicates the class of lamp.

Monthly Rate

Overhead Service

The basic rate per fixture defined in the chart will be billed for installation of standard area lighting fixtures on Town distribution system poles. The basic rate does not include the monthly charges for additional facilities, area lighting poles, underground service or any contribution required under this schedule. 

Fixture Type

Fixture Source


Monthly Rate Per Pole

LED light on Steel Pole




LED light on Steel Pole with one additional A100 LED lightA100B



LED light on Steel Pole A101 



LED light on Steel Pole with one additional A101 LED lightA101B



LED Security Light on Wood Pole A102 



LED Security Light on Wood Pole with one additional A102 light




LED Acorn Head light on Steel Pole



LED Entrance Sign Light  A104



Underground Fee: Monthly Payment Option 




 Additional Facilities

  1. Multiple area lighting fixtures may be installed per pole subject to Town's review and approval. The monthly charge for each additional fixture will be the charge in accordance with the Monthly Rate for that fixture plus 2 percent (2%) of the estimated installed cost of the facilities necessary to serve the multiple fixture installation in excess of that normally required to provide standard area lighting service.

  2. For distribution transformer and/or primary conductor extension, 2 percent (2%) of the estimated installed cost of the required facilities.

  3. For an underground circuit in excess of 250 feet for an area lighting pole, 2 percent (2%) of the estimated installed cost of the excess circuit.

  4. For a metal pole, 2 percent (2%) of the estimated installed cost of overhead or underground metal poles requiring special construction or features which are in excess of the estimated installed cost of standard underground metal poles.

Non-Refundable Contribution

  1. In the event that rock, unstable soil, or other conditions require the use of materials and methods of installation other than Town's normal materials and methods, Customer will contribute the additional cost.

  2. Customer will contribute the estimated cost of installing cables under paved or landscaped surface areas; however, Customer may cut and replace the pavement or surface in lieu of making the contribution.

  3. Service supplied under the Monthly Rate in this schedule does not include the conversion of existing overhead secondary conductors to underground. Should Customer desire such conversion under the schedule, Customer will contribute to Town, in addition to the applicable contributions above, the estimated net loss in salvage value of the overhead facilities being removed. The Customer will thereafter pay the applicable rate for underground service.

Contract Period

The Contract Period shall not be less than three (3) years for overhead service and not less than five (5) years for underground service and shall extend from year to year thereafter until terminated by Customer or Customer may terminate the Agreement before the expiration of the initial Contract Period by paying to Town a sum of money equal to 40 percent (40%) of the bill which otherwise would have been rendered for the unexpired months of the initial Contract Period.

Town may require Customer to initially make termination deposit which will not exceed the termination amount computed in accordance with the above paragraph. Such termination deposit will be refunded in equal amounts at the end of each full year service is rendered. This annual refund will be the termination deposit divided by the number of years in the Contract Period.


Service rendered under this schedule is subject to the provisions of Town's Service Regulations.

Late Fees

The billing month is defined as the month when a bill is rendered for payment. Bills are due upon receipt. All bills not paid within fifteen (15) days from date of bill shall be subject to a late payment charge of $5.00 or 2% of the outstanding bill, whichever is greater.


Effective for billings rendered on or after May 1, 2019


Area Lighting Service
Assistant Town Manager/CFO
Electric Systems Division Manager