Who to Call

Town Hall: 919-435-9400
Located at 301 S. Brooks St. Town Hall is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., except holidays. If you are unsure who you need to call, phone the main switchboard.

Abandoned (or junked) vehicles: 919-435-9510
Such vehicles, either on public or private property that pose a safety or health hazard. The abatement of such nuisances is a joint effort between the Police Department (919-554-6150) and the Code Enforcement Officer.

Administration: 919-435-9410
Located on the second floor of town hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Administration includes the Town Manager's Office, Assistant Managers, Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk.

Advisory Boards/Commissions: 919-435-9413
The Board of Commissioners encourages residents of Wake Forest and the Town's ETJ to participate on the Town's many Boards and Commissions. Please contact Deputy Town Clerk Ella Dowtin for an application and more information about these Boards.

Alston-Massenburg Center: 919-554-6189
Located at 416 N. Taylor St. and available for rent.

Animal Control: 919-212-PETS (7387)
Every dog must be under the control of the owner or other responsible person when off the premises of the owner. For more information contact Wake County Animal Control.

Board of Commissioners: 919-435-9410
The Mayor is Vivian Jones. Board members are Ben Clapsaddle, Faith Cross, Keith Shackleford, Nick Sliwinski, and Adam Wright. They may receive mail at Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St.

Building Permits/Inspections: 919-435-9531
A building permit is required for construction, electrical, plumbing, insulation and mechanical work.

Bus Service: 919-435-9514
Transit service began in Wake Forest on July 7, 2008, giving residents the opportunity to ride a weekday rush-hour express from Wake Forest to downtown Raleigh and use a local circulator service that serves the town and provides access to grocery stores, shopping, and other services.

Cable television information

Cemeteries: 919-435-9570
The Town maintains the Wake Forest Cemetery, 400 N. White St. For information on available plots, call 919-435-9570.

Chamber of Commerce: 919-556-1519
Located at 350 S. White St.

Communications: 919-435-9421
Located on the second floor of town hall, 301 S. Brooks St. The Communications Department is responsible for keeping the residents of Wake Forest informed about town programs and services, as well as the actions of the town government.

Community Development: 919-435-9510
For information on land use planning, transportation studies, etc., contact the Planning Department.

Community House: 919-435-9560
Located at 133 W. Owen Ave. and available for rent.

Customer Service: 919-435-9478
Call Customer Service for answers to questions about electric bills, payments and more!

Donate Furniture: 919-322-0474
Charities that pick up your donations

Downtown Development: 919-435-9415
The department is charged with coordinating economic development, as well as special events and other activities in historic downtown Wake Forest.

Duke Energy Progress: 800-419-6356

Electric Emergencies & Outages:

Engineering: 919-435-9440
Located on the third floor of town hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Engineering maintains responsibility in all phases of engineering for the town, including construction inspection, traffic engineering and traffic signals, signs and marking.

Events: 919-435-9421
A comprehensive listing of community events is provided on the Meetings & Events Calendar

Facility Rentals: 919-435-9560
The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department offers the rental of a number of parks and facilities.

Finance: 919-435-9460
Located on the first floor of town hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Maintains financial records for the Town; both revenue and expense, handles payroll and accounts payable; responsible for cash management and investment and collection of revenue such as utility bills and taxes.

Fingerprinting Service: 919-554-6150
The Wake Forest Police Department offers live scan fingerprinting as a courtesy to the general public each Thursday from 2-4 pm. The cost is $10 for Wake Forest residents and $15 for non-Wake Forest residents.

Fire Department: 919-556-1966
Station #1 is located at 420 Elm Ave., 919-556-1966; Station #2 is located at 9925 Ligon Mill Road, 919-570-1609; Station #3 is located at 1412 Forestville Road.

Fire or Emergency: 911 or 919-556-9111

Flaherty Park Community Center: 919-554-6726
Located at 1226 N. White St., the facility offers open play times and features a regulation high school gym, arts and crafts room and more.

General Town Business: 919-435-9400

High grass and weeds: 919-435-9510
Complaints regarding these and other nuisances should be directed to the Code Enforcement Officer.

Historic Preservation: 919-435-9516
The Historic Preservation Commission has been established to advise the Board of Commissioners in matters relating to the preservation of the Town's historical landmarks. For more information on the HPC, contact the Planning Department.

Holiday Operations: 919-435-9400
Wake Forest posts a complete listing of town-observed holidays. On these holidays, the Wake Forest Town Hall and all other administrative offices will be closed. Police service will not be affected during any of these holidays, however, Wake Forest Bus Service and sanitation service schedules may be altered.

Human Resources: 919-435-9491
Located on the first floor of town hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Human Resources' primary responsibilities in the areas of recruitment and selection of personnel, organizational development and training, employee benefits, policies and procedures administration, retirement and vendor relations. Also oversees the town's Risk Management program.

Inspections: 919-435-9531
Located on the ground floor of town hall, 301 S. Brooks St. The Inspections Department is most easily accessed through town hall's Taylor Street entrance. The Inspections Department handles building inspections and permitting services for all areas inside the town's jurisdiction.

Internet Providers

Leaf Collection: 919-435-9582
Loose leaves may be piled at curbside (not in street) for collection from the beginning of October through mid-March. Leaves must be free of tree limbs, rocks, bottles or other objects that may damage collection equipment. Leaves must be bagged for collection from mid-March through September. The Town will provide (and deliver) residents with bulk loads of leaves for garden mulch at no cost.

Information Technology: 919-435-9500
Located on the second floor of town hall, 301 S. Brooks St. MIS establishes, plans and administers the town's management and use of information technology.

Mayor: 919-435-9431
Vivian Jones is the mayor of Wake Forest. Her office is located on the second floor of Town Hall.

Medical Emergency Electricity Reconnection: 919-435-9478
Reconnection of your Wake Forest Power utility account (After 5 pm)

Neighborhood Watch: 919-554-6150
Contact the Police Department to establish a community watch program in your neighborhood.

Operations Center: (Public Works) 919-435-9570
Located at 234 Friendship Chapel Road. Houses Public Works, Purchasing and the Garage.

Overgrown Lots: 919-435-9541
Report overgrown lots, high grass, and weeds and other nuisances to the Code Enforcement Officer.

Parks: 919-435-9560
The Town of Wake Forest owns and maintains 12 parks.

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources: 919-435-9560
Located in the Joyner Park Community Center, 701 Harris Road. The PRCR Department has primary emphasis in recreation, athletics, cultural programming, community centers, building and grounds maintenance, and special events.

Personnel: 919-435-9491
The Human Resources Department handles job openings, employee insurance and benefits and participates in safety programs.

Phone Service Providers

Planning: 919-435-9510
Located on the third floor of town hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Administers the Town's Unified Development Ordinance, zoning issues, historic preservation, transportation planning, sign permitting, subdivision and site plan review, addressing and street naming, annexations and code enforcement.

Planning Board: 919-435-9510
Planning Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month in the Town Board Chambers, 301 S. Brooks St.

Police: 911
Police Department headquarters is located at 225 Taylor St. This department provides the administration and operation of the Town's law enforcement.

  • General Information: 919-554-6150

  • Records Section: 919-435-9599

  • Investigations & Tip Line: 919-435-9610

Pool: 919-435-9562 or 919-554-1687
Located at 133 W. Owen Ave., Holding Park Aquatic Center features a six-lane, 25-yard lap pool, two water slides with plunge pool, children's pool with water play, and a concession stand.

Public Works: 919-435-9570
Located at 234 Friendship Chapel Road. Coordinates street maintenance, garbage and recycling collection, cemetery, snow and ice removal, leaf collection, removal of dead animals within the street right of way, and the Town Garage. Business hours for the Public Works Department are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., except holidays.

Recycling: 919-435-9570
The Town contracts with Republic Services for the collection of recycling. For information on recycling, call 919-435-9570.

Security Checks: 919-554-6150
The Police Department provides security checks of homes and business upon request of the resident.

Senior Center: 919-554-4111
The Northern Wake Senior Center is the place for area seniors to meet and have fun. Located at 235 E. Holding Ave., the facility offers senior adults age 55 and older a myriad of recreational activities promoting fitness and wellness, lifelong learning and teamwork in a friendly setting.

Special Events Permits: 919-435-9415
The Board of Commissioners may authorize the temporary obstruction of streets or sidewalks, or the use of other public property, in conjunction with special events. Anyone desiring a special event permit must make application with the Organizational Performance Department. For more information, call Lisa Hayes, 919-435-9415.

Street Repair: 919-435-9570
To report unsafe or unsightly street conditions, call the Public Works Department.

Tax Collections: The Town of Wake Forest does not accept tax payments. Payments are accepted at the Northern Regional Center, 350 E. Holding Ave., Wake Forest.

Telephone Service Providers

Town Clerk: 919-435-9432
The Town Clerk's office is located on the second floor of Town Hall. The Town Clerk maintains official records of the Town, agendas and minutes of Board of Commissioners meetings, information on all the boards and commissions appointed by the Board of Commissioners.

Town Hall: 919-435-9400
The Wake Forest Town Hall is located at 301 S. Brooks St. in the heart of historic downtown Wake Forest. Most town departments are housed in the spacious 44,000 square-foot facility. Town Hall is open M - F from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Town Manager: 919-435-9411
Kip Padgett is the Wake Forest Town Manager. Kip handles the day-to-day operations of the Town. His office is located on the second floor of Town Hall.

Town-Owned Facilities: 919-435-9560
If you are interested in renting any town-owned facilities, contact the Parks and Recreation Department for rates.

Traffic: 919-435-9440
The Engineering Department handles questions regarding traffic.

Trash collection: 919-435-9570
The Town of Wake Forest contracts with Republic Services for garbage collection. The Public Works Department provides schedules for weekly pickup and provides the containers. Arrangements should be made for picking up appliances, etc.

Trees: 919-435-9565
The Town's urban forestry coordinator provides for the care and maintenance of trees located within a street right of way or other public property.

Wake Electric: 919-863-6300

Wake Forest Power: 919-435-9573
Located at 5031 Unicon Drive, Wake Forest.  Wake Forest Power is comprised of over 26 employees who strive to provide uninterrupted electric service to over 9,000 residential and commercial customers through the regular maintenance and upkeep of the town's electric distribution system. Altogether, our crews operate and maintain more than 140 miles of overhead electric distribution lines.

  • Billing & Payments: Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Contact Nicole Press at 919-435-9468

  • Emergencies & Outages: Wake Forest Power's automated outage reporting telephone number is 919-435-9478.

Wake Forest Renaissance Centre: 919-435-9458
Northern Wake County's newest cultural arts and event venue, the Renaissance Centre is located at 405 S. Brooks St. Nestled in the heart of downtown Wake Forest, the facility features 10,000 square feet of versatile event and meeting space providing the perfect venue for a variety of events and activities, including exhibits, concerts, plays, recitals, conventions and conferences - with a special emphasis on the arts.

Water/Sewer: The City of Raleigh owns and operates the water and wastewater system that provides service to Wake Forest residents. As a result, the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC 27601) is responsible for the water treatment and wastewater treatment plants, water reservoirs and all associated utility lines.

  • Water/Sewer Billing: 919-996-3245

  • Water/Sewer Emergencies (8 am - 5 pm M-F): 919-250-2737

  • Water/Sewer Emergencies (After Hours, Weekends and Holidays): 919-829-1930

  • Customer Service: 919-996-4540

  • Weeds: 919-435-9510

Complaints regarding these and other nuisances should be directed to the Code Enforcement Officer.

Volunteer: 919-435-9479
The Town of Wake Forest offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals, families, businesses, civic and community groups, 

Voting: 919-856-6240
The Wake County Board of Elections provides this service.

Who to Call
Community Outreach Assistant
Wake Forest Power Billing & Payments

Customer Service

Medical Emergency Re-connection (After 5 pm)

Emergencies & Outages

Wake Forest Power

Duke Energy Progress

Wake Electric