Board of Commissioners

Meeting Agendas, Minutes & Summaries Archive

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BOC Meeting Tue, 01/15/2019 Agenda Meeting Summary
BOC Work Session Thu, 01/03/2019 Agenda
Vivian Jones
Adam Wright




Mayor & Board of Commissioners


The Board of Commissioners (BOC) consists of five members and shall be elected by and from the qualified voters of the Town of Wake Forest at large in the manner provided in Article V of the Town of Wake Forest Charter.

The members shall serve for terms of four years beginning the day and hour of the organizational meeting following their election as established by ordinances in accordance with the Town of Wake Forest Charter, provided, they shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. No person shall be eligible to be a candidate or be elected as a member of the BOC or to serve in such capacity, unless he/she is a resident and a qualified voter of the Town of Wake Forest, is 21 years of age or older.

BOC Contact Information

In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of a Board member, the BOC shall by majority vote appoint some qualified person to fill the same for the remainder of the unexpired term. The BOC sets policies governing the operations of the Town of Wake Forest.


The Wake Forest BOC convenes on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Town Hall Board Chambers, 301 S. Brooks St.

The BOC's monthly work session is scheduled on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., while the board's regular monthly meeting is scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.

Addressing the Board

The Board of Commissioners is interested in the concerns of all residents and welcomes their input on the issues facing our community. In order to provide for an effective, orderly airing of opinion, certain rules have been adopted and employed by the board for many years on how citizens may make their views known.

Addressing the Board, Public Hearings, Public Comment & more

Public Hearings

When an agenda item is denoted as a Public Hearing, persons attending shall be permitted to address the BOC regarding the item under consideration. Anyone wishing to address the BOC concerning a public hearing item should complete and submit the BOC Public Comment Form.

Proponents and opponents shall each be given three minutes of time to speak and may choose to allow one speaker to utilize the time. In the event either proponent(s) or opponent(s) have not designated a speaker to represent the view, each speaker will be allowed three minutes each to express his/her comments, ideas, concerns, expressions, and desires. A designated speaker for a group will be allowed 10 minutes to speak. Only comments on a Public Hearing will be allowed during this time.

Public Comment

During the Public Comment period, anyone wishing to address the BOC concerning an issue or topic that is not a public hearing item or an agenda item should complete and submit the BOC Public Comment Form. Then, during the Public Comment portion of the meeting, Mayor Jones will recognize you and invite you to the podium at which time you will have three minutes to speak. 


By signing up for E-Notifier, you can have the BOC monthly meeting agenda delivered directly to your inbox prior to each month's meeting. You can also sign up to receive a summary of each month's meeting.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes from BOC meetings are available in the archive above and upon request by contacting Town Clerk Terry Savary at 919-435-9432.

Watch Board of Commissioners Meetings Live & On Demand

BOC work sessions and meetings can be viewed both live and on demand by visiting our Streaming Media Archive. Meetings are available in streaming video for several years after their original air date and featured in a convenient scroll-down menu. Meeting agendas, including links to specific agenda items, are provided with each video offering you easy viewing access to particular items of interest.

BOC monthly work sessions and monthly meetings are also shown live on Wake Forest TV 10 - the Town of Wake Forest's government access channel - then re-broadcast daily throughout the following week at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., and 9 p.m. WFTV 10 is available only to Wake Forest residents and businesses that subscribe to Spectrum Cable TV service. However, WFTV 10 is also provided online in real-time streaming video

Streaming Media Archive

Board of Commissioners
Town Clerk

Wake Forest Town Hall
Board Chambers - 2nd Floor
301 S. Brooks St.
Directions to Town Hall