Northeast Community Story Map
The Northeast Community, also known as the East End, was founded by formerly enslaved African Americans after the Civil War and today retains its identity as a predominantly African American neighborhood distinguished by its lifelong residents and rich heritage. Over its history, the community has been home to several individuals and institutions significant to the Town of Wake Forest. Interestingly, many residents were innovators of African American education in North Carolina. Though historically and culturally significant, the neighborhood has undergone marked changes in its built environment. Many historic buildings have been lost to demolition or redevelopment.
This GIS-based Story Map has been created to preserve the rich history of the Northeast Community. This project is a living document. Information will be added to the story map as it is shared through town research, scholarly research and/or through the work of volunteers. We hope to someday have information on every parcel within the community. The "Sites of Memory" Story Map received a 2021 Carraway Award of Historic Preservation Merit from Preservation North Carolina.
NC State University Research Project
Dr. Alicia McGill, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of History at NC State, teaches a graduate-level Cultural Resources Management class which has included students from Public History, Anthropology, and Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management programs. at NC State. Students researched properties including the site of the Alston-Massenburg Center in the Springs of 2020 and 2021. Town of Wake Forest Historic Preservation Summer Interns completed research in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
Olive Branch Baptist Church, 326 E. Juniper Avenue
Winston-Clarke House, 308 E. Juniper Avenue
Jeffreys House, 215 E. Juniper Avenue
Carol's Barbershop, 337 E. Juniper Avenue
Wilkerson House, 507 N. Taylor Street
Pearl Williams' Property, 509 N. Taylor Street
Massenburg Residence, 511 N. Taylor Street
403 E. Juniper Avenue
407 E. Juniper Avenue
Mack Fort's Property, 412 E. Juniper Avenue
Wake Forest African American Cemetery
Grave of "Doctor" Tom Jeffries
Crenshaw House, 431 E. Juniper Avenue
503 E. Juniper Avenue
Juniper Avenue Sweet Shop and Cafe (no longer standing)
Alston Family House, 530 E. Juniper Avenue
W.E.B. DuBois Campus
Gill's, Allen's & Thompson's House, N. White Street (no longer standing)
Cooke House, N. White Street (no longer standing)
Dunn House, N. White Street (no longer standing)
Ailey Young House, 320 N. White Street
Johnson Homestead, Corner of N. White Street and E. Spring Street (no longer standing)
316 E. Pine Avenue
330 E. Pine Avenue
315 E. Spring Street
Spring Street Presbyterian Church, 320 E. Spring, Corner of E. Spring Street and Caddell Street (no longer standing)
Wake Forest Normal and Industrial Institute, E. Spring Street (no longer standing)
Brim-Dent Property, 601 E. Pine Avenue
Lewis Family Property, 633 E. Pine Avenue
630 E. Pine Avenue
Aaron Mitchell's Blacksmith Shop, South side Wait Avenue near intersection with Taylor Street.
- Also researched but not yet on the "Storymap" are 303, 305, 308, 310, and 315 E. Juniper Avenue
Wake Forest Historical Museum
The Wake Forest Historical Museum at 414 N. Main Street has also partnered with the Town of Wake Forest for this project. The documents retrieved by the students during their research as well as oral history transcripts, photographs, historic documents and the final student reports are digitally archived at the museum and available for review upon request.
The information obtained as part of the NE Community Story Map project will be permanently archived with the Museum. You can also view oral history interviews with residents from the NE Community on the museum’s You Tube Channel.