Arbor Day

Arbor Day is part of an annual nationwide campaign to promote the planting of trees. The event began in Nebraska in 1872 when newspaper journalist J. Sterling Morton proposed a tree-planting holiday to the State Board of Agriculture.

Although National Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April, individual state commemorations are scheduled on dates better suited to their own tree-planting seasons. North Carolina officially celebrates Arbor Day on the first Friday following March 15.


Tree Seedling Giveaway

Each year, the Urban Forestry Board (UFB) celebrates Arbor Day by hosting the popular Tree Seedling Giveaway in the Town Hall parking lot, 301 S. Brooks St.

As part of the seedling giveaway, UFB members, Town staff, and volunteers distribute over 2,500 seedlings to residents - while they last.  


Tree City USA 

Wake Forest has been a Tree City USA since 1979, and was named North Carolina Tree City USA of the Year in 2010.


Urban Forestry Board

The Urban Forestry Board is a citizen group appointed by the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners. The UFB, formerly known as the Tree Board, was established in 1978 as an advisory committee to the board of commissioners.

The nine-member committee oversees all planting in rights-of-way and on public property. It also advises the town on proper tree maintenance in public areas and is committed to the growth and preservation of the urban forest.

Arbor Day
Urban Forestry Program Manager