WFTV 10 Videos

2023 State of the Town
Transportation Planning 101
2022 WF Cares Holiday Kickoff
2022 Christmas in Wake Forest
WFFD Centennial Celebration - A Look Back
2022 Good Neighbor Day
2022 Bond Referendum
UDO Update
UDO Update
2022 Independence Day Highlights
2022-27 Strategic Plan
2022 Independence Day Celebration
Kids Say the Cutest Things About Summer & WF Parks
2022 Family Movie Nights
2022 State of the Town Highlights


Town of Wake Forest Logo with number 10 behind the treeWFTV 10 videos are arranged by category. Click on the category to view a complete menu of video listings.

In Focus

Online Meetings

Public Service Announcements

Special Events

Special Programming

Wake Forest 411

Discover Wake Forest


WFTV 10 Videos
Communications & Public Affairs Director