

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre is hosting a “Let’s Jazz it Up” Art Exhibit throughout February. While most often recognized as a type of music, Jazz also represents vibrancy, color, energy, smoothness, and fun.

The “Let’s Jazz It Up" exhibit features works by Wake Forest Guild of...Read more


The Urban Forestry Division (UFD) is celebrating Arbor Day this year by again offering a contest that tree lovers across Wake Forest are sure to love. From now through Saturday, April 1, the UFD will accept nominations from residents for the Wake Forest 2023 Tree of the Year award.

Trees...Read more


Town crews will reduce to one lane with alternating two-way traffic the portion of Unicon Drive from 1 World Way to Connector Drive Thursday-Friday, Feb. 16-17, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. each day. The temporary lane closure is necessary to allow crews to make repairs to the roadway.

Signs,...Read more


Turner Asphalt, a contractor working at the future Hawthorne at the Forest, will periodically reduce to one lane portions of (northbound and southbound) Capital Boulevard/US 1 from Burlington Mills Road to South Main Street/US 1A throughout February from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. each day. The periodic lane...Read more


Drivers should expect delays along North White Street Wednesday, Feb. 15. Town crews will reduce to one lane with alternating two-way traffic the portion of North White from East Juniper Avenue to East Cedar Avenue from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. The temporary lane closure is necessary to allow crews to make...Read more
