

The Town of Wake Forest and the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) are partnering with the Wake Forest Historical Museum to host the “It’s a Wonderful Wake Forest” Historic Holiday Festival on Saturday, Dec. 4, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The event will feature free walking tours of the local Wake...Read more


Drivers should expect delays along southbound South Main Street/US 1A in the vicinity of the Ligon Mill Road intersection Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 1-2, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Fred Smith Company, a contractor working on the Ligon Mill Road Operational Improvements Project (LMROIP), will close the outside...Read more


Wake Forest community leader Tilda Caudle is the 2021 recipient of the NC chapter of the America Planning Association’s Marvin Collins Award in the category of Planning Advocate. The category recognizes an appointed or administrative official, elected official, citizen planner, media outlet, or...Read more


The Town of Wake Forest is pleased to announce the relaunch of “Engage Wake Forest” - a comprehensive community engagement platform where citizens can engage, collaborate, and provide feedback on Town programs and initiatives. Developed by Bang the Table, the site is available at...Read more


The Town of Wake Forest is partnering with Aging Care Matters, the Northern Wake Senior Center, Total Life Centers and Resources for Seniors to host a free webinar on Adult Day Care Programs & Services for...Read more
