

The Town of Wake Forest and the Northeast Community Coalition (NECC) are the recipients of the 2022 NC Chapter of the American Planning Association’s Marvin Collins Award in the category of Advancing Equity. The category recognizes a project or program that meaningfully involve historically...Read more


The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department is accepting Youth Basketball League applications for boys and girls ages 5-17 at . Anyone without computer access is invited to register by using...Read more


The Wake Forest Public Art Commission, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department, and ARTS Wake Forest are inviting residents to a special Community Celebration of the Arts on Saturday,...Read more


You can make a difference in our community by applying to fill one of two vacancies on the Urban Forestry Board (UFB) and one vacancy on the Technology Advisory Board (TAB). Residents of Wake Forest and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are eligible to apply. The application deadline for...Read more


Millridge, a contractor working on the future Triangle Classic Homes, will reduce to one lane with alternating two-way traffic the portion of North Taylor Street from East Perry Avenue to Flaherty Avenue Thursday-Friday, Sept. 15-16, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. each day. The lane closure is necessary to...Read more
