Burlington Mills Road Closure

Beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, Gaines and Company, Inc., a private contractor developing the Preserve at Kitchin Farms, will close Burlington Mills Road east of One World Way.

The contractor originally planned to close one lane for several days before closing the road entirely, but ultimately decided to proceed with closing both lanes on Aug. 22. The road is expected to remain closed through late October.

Reasons for Road Closure
The complete closure of Burlington Mills Road is required for several reasons:

  1. Road widening. The Traffic Impact Analysis performed for the Kitchin Farms Development identified the need for two left turn lanes into the two driveways onto the Kitchin Farms site.

  2. Safety improvements. The Traffic Impact Analysis also called for a number of safety improvements, specifically related to horizontal and vertical sight distance issues. Introducing straight lines of sight will enhance safety and improve driving conditions at the Ligon Mill Road/Burlington Mills Road intersection - both in the short-term and long-term.

  3. Road realignment. In an effort to improve the horizontal issues, the road alignment will shift north. There will also be an "offset right" deceleration lane into Bratt Avenue on the south side into Caddell Woods.

  4. Grade change. In order to address the vertical site distance issues it is necessary to change the grade of Burlington Mills. This grade change will require as much as 8 feet of fill dirt at the highest point.

It is not possible to accommodate these necessary changes with the lanes open to traffic.

Signed detours will be in place directing traffic around the work area.

Bratt Avenue Entrance
Beginning at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13, Gaines and Company, a private contractor developing the Preserve at Kitchin Farms, will close the Burlington Mills Road entrance to Bratt Avenue.

The closure is necessary to allow crews to demolish the current entrance and replace it with a new entry that aligns with the planned realignment of Burlington Mills Road. During the construction of the new entrance, crews will also install additional road improvements west of Bratt Avenue designed to improve site distances along Burlington Mills.

The new entrance to Bratt Avenue is expected to open in early October.

Signed detours will be in place directing traffic around the work area.

Plan Ahead
Although this is an NCDOT-approved project, the Town of Wake Forest has received several inquiries from area residents with concerns about the road closure. Officials urge area drivers that travel through the area to plan ahead and allow extra time.

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