The Town of Wake Forest uses a GIS to maintain geographic information which can be analyzed to help answer questions and plan for future development. The GIS helps staff more efficiently complete tasks from those as simple as answering residents' questions, to the more complex task of developing a plan for managing a balance among land development, infrastructure, and natural resources as our Town grows. We maintain a significant inventory of geographic data relevant to the history and development of the Town. Data is typically generated from three sources:

  • Other Government GIS Offices
    The Wake County and Franklin County GIS Departments, as well as GIS offices at the State level and in neighboring municipalities, serve as an excellent resource for many base layers which are updated regularly.

  • Private Consultants
    Consultants prepare data specific to a project as they work with our Planning staff.

  • Wake Forest GIS staff
    The GIS staff develops and analyzes data as necessary to augment the effectiveness of the planning process, and manages incoming data from government and private sources.

GIS data is a vital resource that greatly assists public sector professionals in the decision-making process. It also serves to provide valuable illustrative information to citizens, various civic groups and elected officials.


Maps for Sale

Many maps created by GIS staff are available free to download on this website, or for purchase in our office. While we do not process custom maps, the following are available for purchase:

  • Active Developments

  • Special Flood Hazard Area

  • Transportation Plan

  • Zoning

Maps are $30 each and measure approximately 34"x48"


GIS Resources


GIS Analyst