

Beginning Monday, March 17, and continuing through Friday, March 21, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. daily, Crowder Construction Company, a contractor working on Dunn Creek Greenway Phase 3, will reduce to one lane with intermittent two-way traffic the portion of Wait Avenue between Traditions Grande...Read more


The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre for the Arts, 405 S. Brooks St., is inviting area businesses and individuals to show their support for the arts in our community by joining the Partners Circle Donor Program.

The Renaissance Centre Partners Circle is comprised of dedicated business and...Read more


The community is invited to attend the official dedication of the new historic marker at the site of the first Wake Forest fire station (corner of East Owen Avenue and South White Street) today (March 14) at 3 p.m. The unveiling ceremony will feature brief remarks by Wake Forest Fire Captain...Read more


Taylor Street Park, 416 N. Taylor St., will be closed Monday-Friday, March 17-21, so crews from Southeastern Contracting Group can remove and replace a concrete wall that borders a portion of the park.

Residents who live in the area and motorists traveling in the vicinity of the park are...Read more


Wake County is in the process of developing a countywide “One Water Plan” designed to integrate all water planning (water supply, wastewater treatment, stormwater and flood management, and groundwater protection) with County and municipal development and transportation planning. The plan’s aim...Read more
