Wake Forest Downtown Stormwater Plan



The Town of Wake Forest (Client) has recently developed and adopted a downtown master plan, known as the Downtown Plan that will shape future development within the downtown region. The downtown region is bounded by railroad tracks to the west, E. Holding Avenue to the south, S. Franklin Street to the east, and E. Roosevelt Avenue and Wait Avenue to the north. (See Figure 1). The red is the downtown region covered by the Downtown Plan. The yellow is the larger drainage area for Spring Branch, which runs to the east of the downtown region, the direction in which stormwater ultimately drains.

The Town of Wake Forest desires a stormwater study of the existing storm drain network for the downtown region, along with an overall watershed study for Spring Branch down to the NC 98 crossing to support a Downtown Stormwater Plan. The study will include an assessment of the existing storm drain network and a level of service analysis for the downtown region, analysis for potential regional BMPs throughout the watershed, identification of opportunities to integrate smaller green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) BMPs within the watershed, development and prioritization of future capital improvement projects, and public involvement.

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This project is supported by a grant from US Treasury as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) CoronavirusState and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds award totaling $14.5 million.