Automated Meter Reading

AMR stands for Automated Meter Reading, a state-of-the-art technology that enables the Town of Wake Forest/Wake Forest Power to read your electric meter remotely without physically visiting and manually reading your electric meter. This technology allows data to be shipped back and forth between your meter and the Town.


How does AMR work?

The meter data is sent from a module inside your AMR enhanced meter to a substation on the existing power lines. From the substation the data then travels to the Town’s data center via communication lines, where the meter data is then integrated with Wake Forest’s customer information and billing systems, resulting in the production of a timely, accurate bill.


Benefits of AMR

By deploying AMR technology, Wake Forest Power is able to provide its customers with more frequent, timely and accurate electric meter readings without the need for meter readers to come to your property leading to greater accuracy on your monthly bill. Another benefit of AMR is a more accurate and efficient way to monitor reported outages.



Will I still see meter readers occasionally?

Yes. Although the new meters are read automatically, they still need to be inspected, monitored and serviced. As a result, you will still see a meter reader from time to time.

What does an AMR meter look like?

The meter’s exterior appearance is just like a typical electronic meter. The only difference is that an AMR transponder is installed inside the meter by the meter vendor prior to shipment to Wake Forest.

How much does this cost?

There are no additional costs or charges for our customers with the installation or operation of the AMR system.

Will AMR service interfere with my radio, telephone, computer or other equipment?

No, the meter information is transferred over your existing Wake Forest power line, and does not interfere with any of your equipment.

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

Contact Jeremy Vargo at 919-435-9574.

Automated Meter Reading
Utility Accounts Supervisor
Electric System Meter Supervisor