The Communications Department is responsible for keeping the residents of Wake Forest informed about town programs and services, as well as the actions of the town government.
The department is responsible for developing newsletters, brochures, electronic and e-mail communications with citizens, videos, press releases and other informational materials, as well as managing content on the town's web site and Wake Forest TV 10. In addition, the Communications & Public Affairs Director works with the local media by providing information, arranging interviews and acting as a spokesperson for the town.
Ways You Can Stay Informed
Town of Wake Forest App
For iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android users search for "Town of Wake Forest" on iTunes, in the iPhone app store, or in Google Play. The app can also be downloaded by visiting our website and scanning the appropriate QR code.
Social Media
The Town of Wake Forest has created a profile on the popular social networking site Facebook to assist with its outreach and communication efforts. Anyone who is interested can "Like" the Town of Wake Forest and receive information from the Town on their Facebook timeline.
X & Instagram
The Town of Wake Forest, Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, Wake Forest Power, Wake Forest Police Department and Wake Forest Fire Department use X and sometimes Instagram to keep residents informed about programs, services and special events.
Town of Wake Forest
Facebook: Town of Wake Forest, NC (@TownofWakeForest)
Instagram: Town of Wake Forest (@TownofWakeForest)
X: Wake Forest, NC (@WakeForest_NC)
LinkedIn: Town of Wake Forest, NC
Renaissance Center
Facebook: Wake Forest Renaissance Centre (@WFRenaissanceCentre)
Instagram: Wake Forest Renaissance Centre (@WakeForestRenCen)
X: WFRenaissanceCentre (@WFRenCen)
Wake Forest Downtown
- Facebook: Wake Forest Downtown (@DowntownWakeForest)
- Instagram: Wake Forest Downtown (@wfdowntown)
Wake Forest Power
Facebook: Wake Forest Power (@WakeForestPower)
X: Wake Forest Power (@WakeForestPower)
Facebook: Wake Forest Police Department (@WakeForestPoliceDepartment)
Instagram: Wake Forest Police Department (@wakeforestpolice)
X: Wake Forest Police (@WakeForestPD)
Facebook: Wake Forest Fire Department (@WFFire)
Instagram: Wake Forest Fire Department (@wakeforestfire)
X: Wake Forest Fire (@wakeforestfire)
The Town of Wake Forest and the Wake Forest Police Department are partnering with Nextdoor - the free and private social network for neighborhoods. The integration with Nextdoor enables the town and the police department to connect directly with residents in Wake Forest neighborhoods in a collaborative attempt to build safer communities, develop stronger relationships and strengthen virtual neighborhood watch efforts.
Media Releases/News
View all media releases and news items from the Town of Wake Forest.
Town Publications
What's Up in Wake Forest - formerly E-News
What's Up in Wake Forest is the Town of Wake Forest's electronic newsletter. Posted weekly, subscribers to E-News receive an email alert moments after its online publication.
To subscribe, visit E-Notifier and subscribe to E-News.
Always be the first to know what's happening in the Town of Wake Forest by registering for E-Notifier - our free email subscription service. The service allows you to subscribe to several specific information categories and receive an e-mail notification whenever we post new information on the website related to your selected categories. Our goal is to help you receive the information you want as quickly and efficiently as possible.
This is a free service provided by the Town of Wake Forest, and you can rest assured your email address will only be used to deliver the information you request.
Wall Calendar
The Town of Wake Forest makes it easy for residents to keep track of popular Town events with its 14-month wall calendar. The free calendar offers a comprehensive listing of Town events scheduled between November 2023 and December 2024, along with the various Town-observed holidays during that period.
The calendar is filled with dozens of photos featuring area residents enjoying local festivities ranging from the Friday Night on White and the annual Easter Egg Hunt to the Independence Day Celebration and Lighting of Wake Forest - and everything in between.
Town staff distributes the calendars at popular community events - while they last. In addition, the calendars are typically available at Town facilities and Wake Forest locations, including Town Hall, Joyner Park Community Center, Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, and Alston-Massenburg Center – just to name a few.
Wake Forest TV 10
WFTV 10 is the town's government access channel serving the residents of Wake Forest. Produced by the Town of Wake Forest Communications Department, Channel 10 is available to residents and businesses that subscribe to Spectrum Cable TV service. WFTV 10 also provides real-time streaming video. The information channel operates 24 hours per day. Programming includes live coverage of board of commissioners and planning board meetings, as well as a wide variety of locally produced television shows about programs, services and special events sponsored by the Town of Wake Forest.
State of the Town
Since 2009 the Town of Wake Forest has partnered with the Wake Forest Rotary Club to sponsor the annual State of the Town Address and Dinner on the third Monday in February. The occasion offers Wake Forest citizens the opportunity to reflect on the town's list of accomplishments during the previous year and learn about its goals in the coming months.
Blackboard Connect - Town-to-Resident Notification Service
Wake Forest has implemented Blackboard Connect service to provide town officials the ability to communicate with residents regarding time-sensitive incidents, including both planned and unforeseen public safety matters. Blackboard Connect allows officials to record, send and track personalized voice messages to thousands of residents, businesses, and local agencies in just minutes, through a single phone call.
Engage Wake Forest
The Town of Wake Forest is always looking for new ways to engage residents and community members on important topics. That's why we're inviting you to participate in our new social engagement site - Engage Wake Forest. This site is another way we are encouraging you to share comments and suggestions that will help us shape the future of Wake Forest. Why Engage Wake Forest? Because, when our residents are civically engaged, they have taken the opportunity to make Wake Forest an even better place for everyone.
Name | Job Title | Phone Numbers | |
Michele Barnes | Graphic Designer | [email protected] | |
Kayla Jimenez-Cruz | Communications Specialist | [email protected] |
Office 919-435-9424 |
Anna Bolton | Marketing & Business Relations Specialist | [email protected] |
Office 919-435-9422 |
Amanda Cochrane | Marketing & Business Relations Associate | [email protected] |
Office 919-435-9423 |
Bess Martinson | Graphics Manager | [email protected] | |
Cathi Pope | Communications Resources Specialist | [email protected] |
Office 919-435-9467 |
Bill Crabtree | Communications & Public Affairs Director | [email protected] |
Office 919-435-9421 Cell 919-761-3719 |