“Picture Holding Park” virtual public meetings set for Tuesday & Thursday
The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department will host virtual public meetings at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 15, and Thursday, Feb. 17, to solicit input from residents concerning the future of Holding Park, 133 W. Owen Ave. You can join the session of your choice from your computer or smartphone at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88304427476?pwd=NzZZaTVGY0RWakZaVDEvVHR1bzV0QT09.
Each interactive session will include a brief presentation, followed by an open discussion where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and share suggestions. Town staff and representatives from Barrs Recreation, playground designer, will be on hand to answer questions and gather public input.
Discussions will focus on reconstructing the Holding Park playground and how to achieve the appropriate balance between the renovation and maintaining the park’s historical character. Information gathered during the sessions will help identify and develop the future park redesign.
In the meantime, residents are invited to complete a brief “Picture Holding Park” survey via Engage Wake Forest at https://engagewakeforest.org/.
Centrally located near the downtown area, the five-acre Holding Park offers an abundance of amenities, including Wake Forest Community House, Holding Park Aquatic Center, a playground featuring five slides and swings, picnic tables, charcoal grills, basketball court, and butterfly garden.
Preliminary plans call for the removal of the existing playground and construction of a new all-inclusive playground. Town officials insist the facility will be constructed in a manner consistent with the park’s surroundings and historical significance.
Funding for this project is made available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). For more information about the information sessions, contact Ruben Wall at 919-435-9561 or [email protected].