Register now for Father-Daughter Dance September 16
***UPDATE - The Father-Daughter Dance is full.
The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department will host a “Walk the Red Carpet”-themed Father-Daughter Dance on Friday, Sept. 16, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Wake Forest Community House, 133 W. Owen Ave. Fathers and daughters (ages 3-12) throughout Wake Forest are invited to celebrate their special bond during an unforgettable evening that will include music, dancing, and refreshments.
The cost is $30 per couple (Wake Forest residents) and $38/couple (non-Wake Forest residents), plus $10 for each additional daughter.
A limited number of seats are available, so anyone interested in attending is encouraged to register now at (search “Father-Daughter Dance).
For more information, contact PRCR Events Coordinator Suja Jacob at 919-435-9558 or [email protected].