Addressing the Board

The Wake Forest Board of Commissioners is interested in the concerns of all residents and welcomes their input on the issues facing our community. In order to provide for an effective, orderly airing of opinion, certain rules have been adopted and employed by the board for many years on how citizens may make their views known. The following information summarizes those procedures.

Board of Commissioners Agendas

An agenda is prepared for each BOC meeting and work session. Agendas are available in the Town Clerk's Office, 301 S. Brooks St., between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., on the Friday prior to the day of the meeting.

Agendas for regular BOC meetings are also available online and through the Town's E-Notifier email subscription service.

On the day of the meetings, agendas are provided on the information table located at the entrance to the board chambers.

Addressing the Board of Commissioners During Meetings

Board of Commissioners Meeting - 3rd Tuesday of Each Month

The regular meeting of the BOC is scheduled on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the board chambers. The purpose of the regular board meeting is to take formal action on issues affecting the Town of Wake Forest.

The order of business during regular board of commissioners meetings is as follows:

  1. Call to order

  2. Pledge of allegiance

  3. Approval of agenda

  4. Approval of minutes

  5. Presentations

  6. Public Hearings* / Public Comment**

  7. Consent Agenda

  8. Legislative Items

  9. Planning Items

  10. Administration and Financial Items

  11. Public Services Items

  12. Parks and Recreation Items

  13. Public Safety Items

  14. Other Business

  15. Closed Session – when necessary

  16. Adjournment

Public Hearings*

The purpose of a public hearing is to seek formal input as required by ordinance or statute on certain issues, such as the proposed budget, ordinance changes, etc.

Anyone wishing to speak during a public hearing is strongly encouraged to register to speak no later than 3 p.m. the day of the meeting.

At the appointed time during the public hearing, the mayor will give a brief explanation of the issue being considered. The mayor will then acknowledge those persons who have registered to speak. Those who have registered will be called upon in the order registered.

After everyone who registered has spoken, the mayor can – at her discretion – invite individuals to speak who did not register.

Speakers are limited to three minutes each and are asked to please adhere to the following procedure:

  1. Secure the recognition of the mayor and approach the podium. State your name and address for the record, and indicate if you are representing a group or organization.

  2. Your comments should be addressed to the board as a whole, not to individual board members.

  3. Your remarks should concern the issue being considered.

  4. Board policy recognizes the vital necessity of obtaining comments from the public, therefore you are asked to make a concise statement of your opinions and not try to establish a dialogue with board members. This helps prevent lengthy digressions and gives all who desire to speak an opportunity to do so. If you wish to establish a direct dialogue with commissioners, then please direct your questions to them outside of formal board meetings.

  • Individuals – Remarks must be limited to three (3) minutes.

  • Groups – If a group wishes to address the board, a spokesperson should be chosen from the group to address the board. The spokesperson and the total presentation to the board must be limited to no more than ten (10) minutes. Further time may be granted by the board.

PLEASE NOTE: During the public hearing, board members may engage the speaker by asking questions and seeking clarification.

Public Comment**

During the public comment portion of the regular BOC meeting, the mayor will ask if there are members of the audience who wish to address the board on a topic not on the agenda.

Speakers are limited to three minutes each and are asked to please adhere to the following procedure:

  1. Secure the recognition of the mayor and approach the podium. State your name and address for the record, and indicate if you are representing a group or organization.

  2. Your comments should be addressed to the board as a whole, not to individual board members.

  3. Your remarks should be limited to the issue you wish to bring before the board.

  4. Board policy recognizes the vital necessity of obtaining comments from the public, therefore you are asked to make a concise statement of your opinions and not try to establish a dialogue with board members. This helps prevent lengthy digressions and gives all who desire to speak an opportunity to do so. If you wish to establish a direct dialogue with commissioners, then please direct your questions to them outside of formal board meetings.

  • Individuals – Remarks must be limited to three (3) minutes.

  • Groups – If a group wishes to address the board, a spokesperson should be chosen from the group to address the board. The spokesperson and the total presentation to the board must be limited to not more than ten (10) minutes. Further time may be granted by the board.

PLEASE NOTE: During the public comment portion of the meeting, the board of commissioners will not engage the speaker in a discussion of the presented information. The board will take the presented information under advisement, but it will not discuss the matter.

When You Speak to the Board of Commissioners

  • Speakers must speak from the lectern in the well of the board chambers. Disabled speakers may request the use of a portable microphone, if they choose.

  • When you begin your remarks, state your name and address for the record.

  • Speak in a normal voice and relax. The board is interested in hearing what you have to say, and will carefully consider your input.

  • Address the board as "Madam Mayor and Members of the board."

  • You must confine your remarks to the topic you signed up to speak about. If you stray into other areas, you may be ruled out of order.

  • If you have materials you wish the board to view or consider, please provide these to the town clerk for distribution to the board.

  • Speakers must refrain from making personal verbal attacks on members of board or other citizens, as well as using vulgar language during remarks.

  • The board may, at its option, recall any speaker during its deliberations on an issue, if there are questions or a need for clarification.

Closed Sessions

Closed sessions are closed meetings that allow the board to discuss certain matters of a sensitive nature that affect the town. Examples of areas that may be discussed in closed session include appointment/employment or dismissal of an employee or officer, land acquisition, and probable or pending litigation involving the town. When a motion is made to adjourn to closed session, only that specific topic can be discussed and no final action may be taken on it during the closed session. After the board has determined that it is no longer necessary to protect the public interest or the privacy of an individual, minutes of closed meetings or sessions are made available to the public.

Addressing the Board Outside Of Meetings

The public is encouraged to communicate their questions and concerns to the board of commissioners. You may do so by directly contacting (either orally or in writing) any board member. In addition, you may also submit general questions and comments to the town by using the Contact Us feature on the Town website. Questions and comments will be directed to the appropriate official or staff person who will provide a response generally within 24-48 hours.

Disturbing Meetings

No person shall interrupt, disturb, or disrupt any regular or special meeting or work session of the BOC. Upon direction of the mayor, any such person shall leave the board chambers and town hall.

Failure To Observe Procedures

The BOC may occasionally deviate from the outlined procedures but failure to strictly observe these rules will not affect the jurisdiction of the board or invalidate any action taken at a meeting that is otherwise held in conformity with the law.

We hope this information has helped make you aware of how you can make your concerns known to the Wake Forest BOC. We need and value your input, and hope to provide responsive, caring, cost-effective service in partnership with our community.


Addressing the Board
Deputy Town Clerk

Wake Forest Town Hall
Board Chambers - 2nd Floor
301 S. Brooks St.
Directions to Town Hall