Commercial Energy Audits

The Town of Wake Forest is committed to helping its commercial customers and property owners obtain the most possible from their energy dollars. Due to the complexity of many business operations, we recognize that it is often difficult for businesses to control or reduce their energy usage. For this reason, Wake Forest has introduced a free commercial energy audit program for area business and property owners.

Our commercial energy audit program is designed to help the Town's commercial electricity customers and property owners identify areas where improvements in building energy efficiency can lead to energy savings and reduced peak electrical loads. Simple improvements can often result in significant savings opportunities that pay for themselves in as little as two years.

For example, one of the easiest opportunities for savings is often in the lighting in a building. Simple improvements can pay for themselves in two to three years.

The Town's energy audit expert will tour your commercial operation, gather data and return to you a printed copy of their findings and recommendations. The report includes:

  • Equipment analysis

  • Billing history analysis

  • Recommendations

Commercial energy audits usually take two to three hours and will be scheduled on the second and fourth Fridays of each month according to the order the audit request is received. Once an audit is scheduled, our energy auditor will conduct an energy efficiency discovery whereby he will tour your operation, gather data, and return to you a printed copy of his findings and recommendations. The audit is free and the findings – specific to your business or property - will remain confidential.

If you have any questions or wish to schedule an energy audit appointment, please contact Jeremiah Swann at 919-435-9574.

Commercial Energy Audits
Utility Accounts Supervisor