Earth Day Activities & Projects
Looking for fun and educational activities for you and your family? Look no further! Here are some things you can do to embrace sustainability, help our environment, and have a good time while doing it!
Coloring & Activity Pages
Recycling Coloring Book - NCDEQ
Recycling Activity Book- NCDEQ
Trash and Climate Change Activity Book- EPA
Case of the Broken Loop Activity Book- EPA
Follow that Trail! Activity Book- EPA
Planet Protectors Create Less Waste in the First Place! Coloring Book- EPA
NCDOT Program Activity Book- NCDOT
Stormwater Activity Book- NCDOT
Generate: The Game of Energy Choices - EPA
Online Games
Wake Forest Citizens Waste Rescue Recycle Sorting Game
Projects & Lessons
Learning about the Rings of Trees
Why should I care?: Carbon Dioxide and Acidic Oceans Lesson- NOAA
A drop in your hand: Water stewardship- A lesson on clean water - NOAA
Do the Rot Thing: Compost Activity
Photosynthesis and Solar Energy
Solar Energy- National Geographic
How alike are plant and solar panels?
Students take Greening to the Community
Lifestyle Challenges & Changes
Calculate your Carbon Footprint
Earth Day Tips from
How can I protect the Coral Reefs? - EPA
Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools - EPA
The Impact of Climate Change on Your Health: What You Need to Know