2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday Schedule
The Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St., and other administrative offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Trash and recycling collection will not be affected, but yard waste collection will be suspended.
Wake Forest-Raleigh Express (WRX) bus service will also be suspended but will resume Tuesday, Jan. 21.
Yard waste collection will also resume Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 7 a.m. Crews will follow the normal collection schedule beginning with Monday’s route. Collection of the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday routes will occur throughout the remainder of the week until all routes have been completed.
Bulk pick-ups will be scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 21. To schedule a bulk pick-up, complete and submit the online bulk waste pick-up request form at http://bit.ly/WFBulkPickupForm by 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 17.
Residents without internet service can schedule their pick-up by calling 919-435-9570 by 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 17. Residents who call after hours may leave a voicemail message. All voicemail requests for bulk pick-up service must include the resident’s name, physical address, and telephone number, along with a description of the bulk waste items to be collected. Any service request that does not include the required information will not be processed. For more information about bulk waste collection, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “bulk pickup.”
Wake Forest residents are encouraged to stay informed about the Town’s trash, recycling, and yard waste collection programs, including changes to the normal collection schedules, by signing up for the “Waste Wizard.” Available on the Town website at http://bit.ly/WFWasteWizard, the Waste Wizard is an interactive tool that allows users to sign up for waste collection reminders and download collection schedules. As a bonus, the Waste Wizard is provided as a function on the Town of Wake Forest app. For more information or to download the Town app, visit http://bit.ly/TOWFApp.
Residents can also receive email notifications concerning the Town’s holiday operations schedule by signing up for E-Notifier at https://bit.ly/WFEnotifier.
For more information about Wake Forest Solid Waste Service, contact the Public Works Department at publicworksdept@wakeforestnc.gov.