Board of Commissioners takes first step towards approving Friday Night on White curfew

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 5:09pm

During its regular meeting on Tuesday, May 21, the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners voted to approve an amendment to the Town’s Curfew Ordinance (Sec. 20-131) effectively establishing an 8 p.m. curfew during Friday Night on White for unsupervised minors under the age of 18.

Before taking effect, the amendment will require a second reading at the June 4 BOC work session. If passed at that time, during Friday Night on White it will be unlawful for unsupervised minors to be at or remain in the event area after 8 p.m.

First-time violators will be subject to a $50 fine. The second violation will be a $100 fine, and the third violation a $500 fine.

Introduced in 2016, Friday Night on White takes place in downtown Wake Forest from 6-9 p.m. on the second Friday night of each month from April through September. The free concert series features local and regional party bands playing classic rock and pop, 70s, 80s, and 90s hits, R&B dance, Top 40, and Motown favorites. The June 14 concert will feature Bounce! Party Band. For more information, email Downtown Development Director Jennifer Herbert at