

Weather permitting, Public Works will close the following portions of North White Street Tuesday-Wednesday, Jan. 28-29, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. each day:

Tuesday, Jan. 28 – North White Street from East Perry Avenue to East Juniper Avenue

Wednesday, Jan. 29 – North...Read more


In response to our area’s unseasonably cold weather, the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department is hosting another “Warm Your Hearts with Coats Drive” to help local families stay warm.

From now through the end of February, the PRCR Department will accept...Read more


Due to this week’s wintry weather and potentially dangerous driving conditions, Wake Forest’s Martin Luther King Community Celebration, originally scheduled for this evening (Thursday, Jan. 23), has been rescheduled for Thursday, Jan. 30, at 6:30 p.m. All community members are invited to attend...Read more


Most Wake Forest streets are clear, but icy areas remain a problem and are especially dangerous on bridges and in shaded areas.

NCDOT crews are and treating state-maintained roads, while Public Works crews are spreading sand and salt along town-maintained roads and historically icy areas...Read more


A winter storm left a coating of powdery snow in Wake Forest and across the Triangle overnight. As a result, Wake Forest Police and the NC State Highway Patrol are urging motorists to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary. The main issue for drivers is secondary roads which are covered...Read more
