***UPDATE - All lanes along southbound Capital Boulevard/US 1 have reopened.
The information below was distributed today at 1:15 p.m.
A two-vehicle crash has closed all but one lane along southbound Capital Boulevard/US 1 in the vicinity of Burlington Mills...Read more

The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre (RC), 405 S. Brooks St., is introducing a series of concerts and special events from June through August featuring nationally renowned acts and performers.
The “Summer at the Centre” Performance Series gets underway with The Embers: Featuring Craig...Read more
The E. Carroll Joyner Park playground, situated behind the Joyner Park Community Center, 701 Harris Road, will be closed the week of April 29.
The temporary closure is necessary to allow crews to perform routine maintenance and repair the water drainage ditch.
Signage and...Read more
The Town of Wake Forest, the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, and Resources for Seniors are partnering with Village of C.A.R.E. to offer a free Expressive Arts Series at the Northern Wake Senior Center, 235 E. Holding Ave., from 10 a.m.-noon on the following Saturdays in May and June: May 4, 11,...Read more
The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department is accepting youth volleyball applications for girls ages 9-16 through the end of April. Online registration is available at .
A...Read more