Town Hall’s South Brooks Street visitor parking lot to be closed week of August 26 for sidewalk replacement

Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 10:49am

During the week of August 26, the Town of Wake Forest will close Town Hall’s South Brooks Street parking lot. The temporary closure is necessary to allow crews to remove and replace the sidewalk that borders the parking lot.

During the week of August 26, visitors to Town Hall will be encouraged to park in the visitor spaces along South Taylor Street and utilize the facility’s South Taylor Street entrance.

Cones, barriers, and signage are in place alerting Town Hall visitors about the temporary closure and directing them to parking along South Taylor Street.

The parking lot is expected to reopen Tuesday, Sept. 3 – the day after the Labor Day holiday.

Town officials scheduled this work during the week of August 26 so Town Hall access would not be impacted during Board of Commissioners and Planning Board meetings. For more information, email Facilities Director Mickey Rochelle at [email protected].

Wake Forest Town Hall