UDO Comprehensive Update Open House sessions Thursday
The Town of Wake Forest will host UDO (Unified Development Ordinance) Comprehensive Update Open House sessions on Thursday, May 25, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St. Both drop-in sessions will give residents, business owners, and stakeholders the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions on new and revised zoning districts, including zoning district descriptions, lot dimensions, building setbacks and height, and allowable uses.
Both sessions will have an informal, open house-style format, along with the same content, so residents may drop in anytime from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. to view displays, ask questions and share comments. No formal presentation will be given. Each session will engage participants in discussions regarding key issues and priorities for the Board of Commissioners to consider as part of the updated UDO.
Community input is the cornerstone of the UDO Comprehensive Update. Following the update and adoption of several comprehensive plans, including the 2022 Wake Forest Community Plan and 2021 Northeast Community Plan, as well as several other comprehensive plans that are underway, the UDO and Manual of Specifications, Standards & Design (MSSD) must be updated to implement the policies and recommendations of those plans.
The Wake Forest UDO combines into a single document the Town's zoning, subdivision, land use, grading, stormwater management, and historic preservation regulations. It outlines the requirements for all development activities.
The UDO update is scheduled for adoption in summer 2024. For more information and updates, visit wakeforestnc.gov/UDO or contact Senior Planner Kari Grace at 919-435-9511 or kgrace@wakeforestnc.gov.