Upcoming outdoor events easy to find on Town website & app
Beginning with the Easter Eggstravaganza on March 23 and continuing through Good Neighbor Day on September 21, the Town of Wake Forest offers an incredible array of free outdoor events and activities for the entire family. From Friday Night on White and Six Sundays in Spring to Family Movie Nights at Joyner Park and Concerts in the Park, spring and summer in Wake Forest are jam-packed with fun-filled events guaranteed to get you out of the house.
To help inform area residents about all these events, the Town offers the “Wake Forest Outdoors” portal on its website. Located at http://bit.ly/WakeForestOutdoors, the webpage provides detailed information about our area’s most popular spring and summer happenings, including the Memorial Flag-Raising Ceremonies, Forest Fest, Meet in the Street, Independence Day Celebration, National Trails Day, and Good Neighbor Day - just to name a few. Offering dates, times, locations, event descriptions and more, the portal is a useful reference for anyone anxious to get outside and take advantage of Wake Forest’s array of warm weather activities.
But that’s not all.
Android and iPhone users can have a handy pocket guide to this year’s spring and summer events in the palm of their hands by downloading the Town of Wake Forest app and using the app’s "Wake Forest Outdoors" function. Designed to offer smart phone users’ instant access to all the Town’s warm weather happenings, the Wake Forest Outdoors function is your all-in-one source for complete information about our spring and summer events.
IPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android users can download the free app by searching for “Town of Wake Forest" on iTunes, in the iPhone app store, or in Google Play or by scanning the appropriate QR code provided at http://bit.ly/TOWFApp.
For more information, contact Communications & Public Affairs Director Bill Crabtree at 919-435-9421 or bcrabtree@wakeforestnc.gov.