Wake Forest’s “National Night Out” is on today as scheduled
The Wake Forest Police Department (WFPD) is encouraging area residents, businesses, neighborhood groups, and homeowners’ associations to show their support for police-community crime prevention partnerships by participating in “National Night Out” today (Monday, Oct. 3) from 5-7:30 p.m. in the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre parking lot, 405 S. Brooks St.
National Night Out (NNO) promises something for everyone, including a DJ, games, food, special prize drawings, and fire, police, and EMS vehicle displays, along with a variety of booths highlighting crime prevention and safety.
Wake Forest Police officers will be on hand distributing information on topics such as vehicle security, home security, and personal safety. The police department will also offer a K-9 demonstration, D.A.R.E. presentation, and information on Neighborhood Watch, Special Olympics, and more.
NNO teams law enforcement agencies with citizens, community leaders, civic groups, and local businesses to promote safe, healthy neighborhoods. The NNO observance is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs; strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
Although NNO is offered nationally on the first Tuesday in August, the WFPD schedules its event each year on the first Monday in October to take advantage of cooler temperatures. For more information on Wake Forest’s National Night Out, visit https://bit.ly/WFNationalNightOut or contact Officer R. Wilkinson at 919-608-8472 or rwilkinson@wakeforestnc.gov.