Wake Forest completes successful first year of Housing Rehabilitation Program

Monday, October 3, 2022 - 3:44pm

The Town of Wake Forest, in partnership with Rebuilding Together of the Triangle and the Northeast Community Coalition, recently completed the first year of its Housing Rehabilitation Program (HRP).

An affordable housing initiative, the HRP assists qualifying homeowners in the Northeast Community with critical home repairs. Eligible applicants must earn 80% or less of the Raleigh Metropolitan Area’s median family income as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and own a home within the Northeast Community boundaries as defined in the Town’s 2021 Northeast Community Plan.

In its first year, the initiative managed a series of repairs to five homes in the Northeast Community, including flooring, roof, and bathroom replacements, kitchen repairs, and more.

In one notable example, a resident’s bathroom floor had collapsed, and the ceiling was caving in creating a serious hazard. Using the Town’s HRP funds, crews from Rebuilding Together of the Triangle constructed a new bathroom and repaired the roof and ceiling. Crews also installed a new shower designed to provide easier access for the resident.

As a result of the successful pilot year, the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners authorized additional funding to continue the program for FY 2022-23. For more information on Wake Forest’s Housing Rehabilitation Program, contact Long Range Planning Manager Brad West at 919-435-9542 or bwest@wakeforestnc.gov.