Wake Forest Power launches new Outage Management System featuring one number to report outages & other issues
Wake Forest Power (WFP) recently implemented a new Outage Management System (OMS) that utilizes one phone number to make reporting power outages and other issues easier. The new OMS will also allow WFP to introduce an online outage map later this year.
Featuring Interactive Voice Response (IVR), WFP’s new automated phone system allows customers to dial 919-435-9478 to report a power outage, make a payment, start/stop service, reconnect electric service, and report a street light outage.
Previously, customers had to call a different number to report outages. WFP officials say having one number for customers to call 24 hours a day simplifies the outage reporting process and enhances the overall customer experience.
Later this year, WFP will introduce an outage map on the Town of Wake Forest website (wakeforestnc.gov). The tool will assist in keeping WFP customers informed of outages and the status of those outages. It will also show customers the following:
Current duration
Estimated time of restoration
Whether a crew has been assigned
Number of customers without power
Cause (if known)
Customers can improve the outage response time by keeping their contact information up to date with WFP’s customer service department. Then, if a customer calls to report an outage from a phone number associated with a registered utility account, the outage management system will automatically know the account information, including the service address and where the outage is likely occurring. To update your contact information with customer service, call 919-435-9478.
For more information about WFP’s Outage Management System, email Electric Utility Director Chris Terrell at cterrell@wakeforestnc.gov or Chief Information Officer Adam Oates at aoates@wakeforestnc.gov.