We need your input! You’re invited to complete Accessibility Survey as part of ADA Transition Plan Update

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - 3:35pm

The Town of Wake Forest is in the process of updating its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan. The ADA Transition Plan is a comprehensive approach to improving access for individuals with disabilities to Town facilities, parks, programs, services, activities, and events. Aligning with Goal 3 of the Town’s Strategic Plan, it is an important part of Wake Forest’s continued efforts to welcome and serve all members of the community.

Citizen input is a crucial part of the ADA Transition Plan process. Individuals with disabilities, along with patrons, family members, caregivers, organizations, and agencies that support individuals with disabilities, and interested individuals are invited to visit https://engagewakeforest.org/ada-transition-plan and complete the Community Engagement Survey to share their thoughts and opinions on accessibility to Town programs, services, activities, and facilities. The survey is available through Thursday, Nov. 30, and takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Wake Forest has contracted with Precision Infrastructure Management (PIM), a consulting firm with extensive experience in ADA-related projects, to perform, manage, and draft the final ADA Transition Plan with close Town support. Anyone wishing to communicate with PIM and offer additional feedback is encouraged to email PIM Managing Partner Charlie Szold at [email protected].